Take On Mars free Europa Update dives into Jupiter's Moon

Skip years of astronaut training, political debate, and budget cuts. Be smart, Take On Mars!
A brand new update for Take On Mars enables martians to produce solar arrays to generate power, and build a functional electric grid to power up machinery and buildings.
We've premiered a new trailer at the E3 2015 PC Gaming Show and still have a couple of things to finish until we reach BETA.
The update will have players grow their own food in the unforgiving conditions of the Red Planet.
Take a look at two brand new Sneak Peek videos of Take On Mars - showcasing zero gravity and the methane production process.
Take a look at our development schedule as we prepare for Take On Mars' official release.
We’ve deployed a special dev blog to recap the past year, take a brief look at the near future, and thank everyone for their incredible support!
Invite your friends to go on a manned mission to Mars.
Today we've rolled out a major update for Take On Mars on Steam - featuring the new manned scout buggy, mobile laboratory, an improved 3D printer, and many general fixes and improvements!
Celebrating our debut at last year’s E3, we today released 11 new screenshots of the upcoming Expedition One update for Take On Mars!
Bohemia Interactive today released the first portion of Take On Mars' Expedition One content update.
Bohemia Interactive today announce their plan to launch the first ever manned mission to Mars. The project, which uses 'Expedition One' as its working title, is part of the studio’s effort to explore the red planet and – ultimately – establish a human colony on Mars.
In support of last week’s Workbench update, we've launched a series of mod-making video tutorials for Take On Mars.
Launching together with our brand new website, we've released a major update for Take On Mars. The update, codenamed ‘Workbench’, adds multiple features for mod makers, and several new crater locations to explore.
The ‘Tech-Enhanced’ update implements a technology tree, global objectives, improved vehicle landing, two new crater locations, a ‘Probe’ vehicle, and the Soviet-era ‘Mars 3’ lander holding Mars’ first rover, the ‘Prop-M’.
As of today, you can collect Steam Trading Cards of Take On Mars - which can be crafted into badges, drop loot in the form of profile skins, or even offer rewards such as Steam discount vouchers.
Together with the announcement of the October plans for Take On Mars, today we released a major update for Take On Mars.
Featuring various game fixes and improvements, the new update enables manual control for Mars landings.
Following its official reveal at E3 this year, we've released the first gameplay trailer for Take On Mars!
Take On Mars just 'took off' in terms of visual quality when it comes to blending of terrain materials. Seen in the 'Before' and 'After' screenshots, we have implemented a new method of terrain material blending.
Bohemia Interactive prepares to go up, up, and away, into the stars, with Take On Mars, the new game in the Take On series.