MAIN BRANCH EUROPA UPDATE - 15th November 2017
23rd October 2017
- Added black overlay when initializing cameras
- Fixed new issue of view going dark after load underwater
- Fixed issue with terrain not colliding in Europa
17th October 2017
- Fixed issue where dropped inventory items did not synch position
- Added moddable scripts for extended functionality without having to modify core files
- Added Pattern Generator tool for the in-game Editor for modders, used to generate patterned objects on terrain
13th October 2017
- Optimized data that is sent by entities on initial connection to server
- Increased maximum packet size for sending init data in multiplayer, increasing maximum amount of objects and data that can be in the scene
- Fixed script not compiling for the Hydroponics Station
- Added Depth and Speed GUI to the Submarine
- Fixed issue where after loading a save game water would not be simulated
- Fixed issue where after loading a save game particle effects via scenario were no longer playing
- Fixed issue where pressing Play in the in-game editor resulted in all scripts thinking the editor was still active
12th October 2017
- Fixed several Europa terrain parts having material as metal instead of ice or snow
11th October 2017
- Fixed NULL pointer in surface Europa mission after saving the game
- Improved triggering of 'see' events in 2nd Europa mission
- Fixed potential NULL pointer when a conversation was created in Europa missions
- Changed default back-side material of modular interior blocks from criss-cross shapes to cables and wires
- Changed default surface material of modular interior blocks from black fabric to imitation wood for better visibility
10th October 2017
- Added cooperative multiplayer Europa scenario
9th October 2017
- Added voice overs for the 2 Europa missions
2nd October 2017
- Fixed minor missing material issue in Heavy Suit 3D HUD
- Fixed potential division by zero in camera underwater effect
1st October 2017
- Fixed excessive tripping over objects
- Heart rate/breath rate increase now dependent on suit type
20th September 2017
- Fixed minor issues with stabilization and sleeping of entities in water
11th September 2017
- Fixed minor Z-depth issue of underwater ocean effect sorting incorrectly
8th September 2017
- Fixed sound simulation underwater
6th September 2017
- Improved underwater ocean effects
5th September 2017
- Added correct map icons and previews to the Europa vehicles
- Added communication range to Mobile Planetary Habitat
1st September 2017
- Added Europa Update content!
31st August 2017
- Fixed issue in certain situations where camera could render a black scene
28th August 2017
- Fixed issue with sounds not playing correctly underwater in low pressure environments
- Minor optimizations to sound point calculations
25th August 2017
- Fixed issue of deep underwater terrain not being rendered
1st August 2017
- Water effects now get switched off if Editor Light is turned on in the in-game editor
28th July 2017
- Removed 2 badly placed dunes in Victoria Crater
25th July 2017
- Added multiplayer RPC, update and init calls to inventory item controllers to allow more advanced functionality for modders
18th July 2017
- Fixed potential division by zero in vehicle parts when handling heat loss
10th July 2017
- Fixed potential crash related to hotspot functionality
30th June 2017
- Added button to in-game Editor to toggle a world light for better editing in dark areas/times of day
29th June 2017
- Added radiation protection to suits
28th June 2017
- Added high external pressure damaging to the suit helmets
- Added support for suits that are not intended for space
27th June 2017
- Added support for helmets that turn with the head
- Fixed and improved several issues with the dynamic 3D HUD mode
26th June 2017
- Added 4 Resource Barrel holder slots to the rear side of the Manned Scout Buggy
1st June 2017
- Replaced dead screen skull
- Major improvements to ocean and water zones
22nd May 2017
- Added support for setting camera weather effects per weather zone
- Improved Earth sky preset to look more realistic
- Improved Mars Island ocean to look more realistic
16th May 2017
- Adjusted atmospheric zones and water zones to allow structures and vehicles with atmospheric zones to function as desired underwater
12th May 2017
- Added 6 Resource Barrel holder slots to the rear side of the Manned Aerial Transport
- Fixed Manned Aerial Transport tilting to side on time scales smaller than 1
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 10th May 2017
9th May 2017
- Fixed Life Support Module not working correctly on clients on joining a game in progress
- Fixed building block group creation code breaking multiplayer with new net code overhaul
3rd May 2017
- Added 3D GUI monitor to the Manned Aerial Transport
- Added Manned Aerial Transport to the 3D Printer list
2nd May 2017
- Added character tools, such as the Construction Tool etc, to the 3D Printer list
28th April 2017
- Fixed spawning issues that cropped up due to massive changes to the net code
- Fixed dynamic atmospheric zones in vehicles not synching due to massive changes to the net code
- Fixed infinite spawn loop in 3D Printer
3rd April 2017
- Added new vehicle Manned Aerial Transport
24th March 2017
- Massive multiplayer net code overhaul where the flow of 'new', 'delete' and 'RPCall' functions were not consistent on clients, possibly causing instability
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 13th March 2017
13th March 2017
- Fixed minor issue with 3D Printer area display in yards having too many digits, extending the text beyond view
10th March 2017
- Added tinnitus sound effect when really loud sounds are played
9th March 2017
- Fixed exiting ladders on clients in multiplayer, now puts the character in the correct position
- Fixed Fuel handler occasionally filling empty barrels with resource non-corresponding with slot attached to
- MML: Fixed oxygen leaking if ramp was closed but airlock door were opened
8th March 2017
- Fixed empty barrels falling off vehicles after a load or save
- Refinery: Fixed occasional bug stopping current process after saving game
2nd March 2017
- Fixed unpleasant strobing of mission objectives GUI on low FPS
- Mission 4: Fixed dialogs priorities (mission restart required)
1st March 2017
- Fixed issue in the Manned Descent Vehicle where after the Manned Ascent Vehicle launched, the fairings closed but not the construct, leading to breakage
- Fixed helmet HUD showing global air pressure instead of local
- Fixed Medium Bed exit position throwing the player forward a bit (requires respawn)
- Fixed Small Bed exit position bumping the player forward a bit (requires respawn)
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 27th February 2017
27th February 2017
- Added a low-resolution color camera to the front side of the Small Rover, for easier control when coming in with the front-facing instrument
- Fixed issue where light bumps to the head resulted in getting knocked out, now requires much more force
- Fixed issue where character could easily trip over in certain situations
- Mission 4: Added spare Construction tool to one of the supply drops (mission restart required)
16th February 2017
- Added unconscious overlay, for better indication of 'knocked-out' state
- Added dead overlay, for better indication that the player is dead
- Increased time before death of characters in a vacuum from 30s to 90s (according to reality)
- Changed global sounds to fade away when the player is dead or unconscious
- Fixed 'panel-surfing' bug, where you could pick up a panel that you were standing on and use it to fly around
- Fixed issue where you could take off your helmet or suit in a vacuum and have enough time to put it back on
15th February 2017
- Fixed issue where disconnecting from a Rover/Lander with night vision on could leave the screen black in Mission Control
14th February 2017
- Fixed minor issue with the helicopter being able to fly even in low air densities
- Mission 2: Fixed mission bug occurring if Poptent was deployed before told so
- Mission 3: Fixed introductory dialog not completely heard if 'Realistic sound' enabled
- Mission 4: Changed MML landing trigger to be more reliable
- Mission 6: Disabled autosave after completing objective 'Produce fuel' causing possible invalidation of that objective
13th February 2017
- Fixed issue where switching between locations in the game could leave the old map image in the in-game map
- Fixed MML monitors to not update when broken off
- Fixed issue with Zero-G probe tutorial loading wrong world, when accessed from main menu
10th February 2017
- Added 'SPAWN FUEL CONTAINERS' button to in-game editor when a vehicle is selected, spawns barrels filled with the required resources on the vehicle
9th February 2017
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 9th February 2017
9th February 2017
- Improved Commander's dead body interaction offset Mission 4 (mission restart required)
- Added mission failed screen if player dies during campaign
- Disabled Zero-G tutorial mission
- Fixed Manned vehicles not leaving tracks in the soil
- Fixed laggy rotation of planet in Main Menu
- Fixed human sounds' ranges
- Fixed Poptent not synchronizing properly in MP
- Fixed Manned Mobile Laboratory screens in MP
- Fixed Manned Cargo Transport buttons in MP
8th February 2017
- Added climb-through spots for Manned Cargo Truck if it is on a side
- Added automatic roll compensation for Manned Cargo Truck axles
- Fixed issue where it was difficult to walk up stairs on low physics settings
- Increased activate range for buttons in the Manned Cargo Transport
- Improved lighting in the Manned Cargo Transport
7th February 2017
- Added exterior lighting lamps to Manned Mobile Laboratory (needs respawn)
- Added light switches to the Manned Mobile Laboratory (needs respawn)
- Added lighting to the Manned Mobile Laboratory
- Improved headlights of the Manned Mobile Laboratory
- Improved character movement up and down stairs
- Improved character movement over small obstacles
- Fixed issue where character could illogically trip over in certain circumstances
- Updated MML in mission 6 (mission restart required)
6th February 2017
- Added 'Discard Seeds' to the Potato Seeds Bag item
- Updated MDV in missions 3, 5 and 6 (mission restart required)
3rd February 2017
- Added exterior lighting lamps to Manned Descent Vehicle (needs respawn)
- Added Manned Descent Vehicle fairings closing back up after Ascent stage launch
- Fixed issue in Manned Heavy Chopper where if you were team other than it you could not interact with doors
- Fixed issue in Manned ISS where if you were team other than it you could not interact with doors
- Fixed issue in Manned Descent Vehicle where if you were team other than it you could not interact with doors
- Fixed issue in Manned Ascent Vehicle where if you were team other than it you could not interact with doors
- Fixed visual clipping issue when climbing up the ladder in the Engineering Airlock in the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Fixed issue with 3D GUI not registering clicks in cursor mode in the Manned Science Buggy
2nd February 2017
- Added lighting to the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Added light switches to the Manned Descent Vehicle (needs respawn)
- Added new wall monitor to the Manned Descent Vehicle (needs respawn)
1st February 2017
- Added 'Game Brightness' setting to Options->Video
- Changed BUILDBLOCK_SLOTSMAX from 32 to 64
- Changed PRINTER3D_FILTERSMAX from 64 to 128
- Changed PRINTER3D_CONFIGSMAX from 256 to 1024
30th January 2017
- Changed fuel efficiency of the Manned Mobile Laboratory to 10km fuel range
- Changed fuel efficiency of the Manned Scout Buggy to 8km fuel range
- Changed fuel efficiency of the Manned Cargo Transport to 5km fuel range
- Changed Methane to Oxygen fuel usage ratio on all vehicles from 1:2 to 1:1
- Fixed Manned Mobile Laboratory de-pressurizing on spawn
- Fixed Manned Cargo Transport de-pressurizing on spawn
- Improved music playback in Manned Campaign
- Improved and de-blurred night vision
- Improved transition between vision modes (Normal/Thermal/Night Vision)
- Fixed interior pressure of MML in Mission 6 (mission restart required)
29th January 2017
- Fixed Suit Holders' lights not showing on clients in MP
- Fixed Suit Holders not working in Manned Small Landing Module
28th January 2017
- Added surface mode to the MMU (jetpack style)
- Added particle effect gas sprays to the MMU
27th January 2017
- Improved model of the MMU
- Fixed pressure of EVA airlock in MDV in Mission 6 (mission restart required)
- Fixed 3D Printer in Mission 6 (mission restart required)
26th January 2017
- Implemented Autosave functionality in Manned Campaign
- Fixed MP client crashing related to building blocks
23rd January 2017
- Implemented mining machines not mining if inside an atmospheric zone or in water
- Implemented Drilling Rig not mining unless placed on top of a rock-like material
- Implemented Topsoil Extractor not mining unless placed on top of a sand/dust-like material
- Moved hints to the left to avoid being hidden by objectives
- Fixed issue with free-fly camera colliding with building blocks
- Fixed issue where you could drink from the tap in the Manned Descent Vehicle with a helmet on
- Fixed minor issue where your suit camera zoomed when scrolling the mouse wheel in the map
22nd January 2017
- Improved Manned Manoeuvring Unit controls to allow easier movement
20th January 2017
- Added Zero-G Support Base for Modular type bases
- Fixed grid-snapping issues with building blocks that defined custom grid snap sizes, such as the Modular base blocks
- Improved mount/demount animation for blocks mounted with 'GROUND', 'SPACE', 'SURFACE', and 'TOPSURFACE' type slots
- Improved snapping of 'GROUND' and 'SURFACE' type slots, allowing snapping onto static rocks etc
19th January 2017
- Added usable taps to the Manned Descent Vehicles, can be used to drink from
- Added complete Manned Scout Buggy model for 3D Printer
- Added complete Manned Cargo Transport model for 3D Printer
- Added complete Manned Forklift model for 3D Printer
- Added slots to Ramp building block
- Changed floor snapping slot type of all machines from 'SURFACE' to 'TOPSURFACE', to allow mounting to buildings and so on
- Improved usability of pallets by increasing their material friction
- Improved building block snapping of 'SURFACE' and 'TOPSURFACE' type slots by adding a tolerance
- Improved functionality of 'SPACE' type building block slot, now only works in space locations
- Improved model of Zero-G Platform for Outpost type bases
- Fixed issue of a full Resource Tank being impossible to assemble to the floor if it was touching it
- Fixed missing dialog in Zero-G Tutorial
- Fixed rapid decompression bug in Zero-G Tutorial
18th January 2017
- Fixed Life Support Module not registering atmospheric zones it was in when placed in certain orientations
- Fixed power points in 3D Printer Small being in the same position
- Improved snapping of power cables, now selects the closest power point
- Implemented power usage for 3D printers
- Added printing sound to 3D printers
- Increased time it takes for dust to accumulate on Solar Array
17th January 2017
- Added switchable lights to the MAV cabin
- Optimized Depth Of Field focal traces, increasing performance in high detail areas
- Fixed crash cause by camera zoom in 2D HUD mode
- Fixed exploit where you could enter a vehicle's interior seat from outside
- Fixed helmet light being available even without a helmet
- Fixed 3rd person camera incorrectly clipping inside vehicles
- Fixed ISS depressurizing on spawn outside of the campaign
- Fixed MAV depressurizing on spawn outside of the campaign
- Fixed ISS incorrectly synchronizing atmospheric zones in multiplayer on clients
16th January 2017
- Added tolerance to print space in Modular 3D Printer
- Fixed Materials Refinery processing materials even on low power
- Fixed minor bug where Materials Refinery process button stayed pressed even when switching barrels etc
- Fixed helmets not displaying correct temperature on clients in multiplayer
- Fixed MAV incorrectly synchronizing atmospheric zones in multiplayer on clients
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 13th January 2017
12th January 2017
- Added Floodlight for illuminating worksites and night-time areas, uses 200W
- Added Small Communications Array with lesser range but much smaller profile
- Reduced resource cost of Resource Tank
11th January 2017
- Fixed potential crashes or issues in multiplayer associated with deletion of building block groups, now ensured deletion happens at a viable time
10th January 2017
- Fixed 'ERROR: RemoveBBlockGroup()' crash in multiplayer when disconnecting some panels
- Fixed issue where a multiplayer save game could not be joined by clients if they did not have the scenario
9th January 2017
- Added Emergency oxygen release valves to MML and Cargo truck
3rd January 2017
- Fixed potential 'GetLadderMat4' function crash
- Added selected object size to Modular 3D Printer GUI
- Added printable area size to Modular 3D Printer GUI
22nd December 2016
- Added Poptent sounds
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 21st December 2016
21st December 2016
- Added ambient sounds to ISS
- Added ambient sounds to MML
20th December 2016
- Improved sound audibility based on sound location for ambient sounds and one-time sounds
19th December 2016
- Changed physics tick from a fixed 60Hz on MP clients to whatever the client sets
- Fixed 3D Printer available too early in Machines tutorial
16th December 2016
- Increased empty barrel delay from 0.25s to 1s
- Updated how AtmoZones work on ISS
- Updated ISS AtmoZones in Mission 0
- Optimized performance in Mission 3 and 5 (mission restart required)
- Improved sound effects in all campaign missions (mission restart required)
- Updated all dialogs in campaign to be unskipable
15th December 2016
- Added emptying of Resource Barrels by holding them and holding Use (default 'E')
- Added 'CHANGE TO STATIC' button to editor for building blocks, which converts it to a static object
- Added 'CHANGE WHOLE GROUP TO STATIC' button to editor for building blocks, which converts its entire group to static objects
- Fixed issue where in some scenarios items would not display resource requirements such as 'Plastic', 'Glue' and so on
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 14th December 2016
14th December 2016
- Fixed potential blocker where after saving or loading a playing conversation would not continue
- Added lighting system to ISS
9th December 2016
- Fixed possible crash in Mission 4
- States of dead crew-members sync between missions 2 and 4
- Added MML landing addons in mission 4
- Added a flare to players inventory in mission 4 (mission restart required)
- Added more additional supplies in Mission 4 (mission restart required)
- Fixed possible mission-breaking bug in mission 3
- Fixed air-zone glitch in Lost Outpost scenario (mission restart required)
- Fixed Player inventory in all campaign missions (mission restart required)
7th December 2016
- Fixed potential division-by-zero crash with GetMaxVerticalFOV function
- Fixed potential crash when saving game in Mission 5
6th December 2016
- Fixed possible terrain fall-trough in Missions 2 and 4
- Disabled Poptent folding in Missions 2 and 4
- Fixed killer steel bar in Mission 4 (mission restart required)
- Player inventory does not count towards supply limit in Mission 4
- Adjusted music in Mission 2
- Renumbered mission names (mission restart required)
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 5th December 2016
4th December 2016
- Implemented cycling for doors in bases
- Implemented rapid decompression physics
- Fixed recent crash that occurred when putting on a helmet
- Optimized ISS Zvezda render monitors
- Fixed Picture-In-Picture render delay offsets
STEAM Development Beta Update from 2nd December 2016
2nd December 2016
- Implemented and updated tutorial videos in the Mission Control room
- Implemented Manned Descent Vehicle descent adjustments to allow a more precise landing
- Implemented Manned Landing Module descent adjustments to allow a more precise landing
- Implemented Manned Small Landing Module descent adjustments to allow a more precise landing
- Fixed issue with Manned Descent Vehicle fairing not blocking radiation
- Fixed issue with multiplayer menu player count reverting to 1
- Adjusted helmet GUI per helmet (WIP)
1st December 2016
- Cleaned and updated scenarios
- Added info to in-game Editor indicating whether the opened scenario supports Singleplayer and Multiplayer
- Fixed animation blending issue when entering/exiting a vehicle seat
- Removed respawn button in Singleplayer
30th November 2016
- Added Spawn Points for multiplayer scenarios, types determined by game modes
- Added Spawn Point support to the in-game Editor
- Implemented Expedition One: Cooperative multiplayer mode to use spawn point, with backwards compatibility
- Implemented Expedition One: Competitive multiplayer mode to use spawn point, with backwards compatibility
29th November 2016
- Added instrument result entries into the Mars Encyclopedia that are unlocked per instrument use
28th November 2016
- Added support for science targets in scenarios to store assigned vehicles
- Deleted old, obsolete scenarios
- Fixed in-game map issue where science targets were not showing up for single scenarios
25th November 2016
- Added height data, hazard data and mission data overlays to map panels
- Fixed in-game map issue where you could connect to vehicles even though they require a driver
- Fixed issue with Rover/Lander Radial menu, where leaving the vehicle with it open left the cursor always on
23rd November 2016
- Fixed landing position selection in Mission Control map where the icon was no longer visible
- Fixed panning in the landing position selection map in Mission Control
- Fixed possible blocker in the movement tutorial when entering via the ramp
- Fixed potential crash that could occur when deleting parts of vehicles in the simulation tick
22nd November 2016
- Fixed in-game map issue where selecting a vehicle and then pressing connect reloaded the world
- Fixed in-game map issue where the selected object's highlight circle position was not updated
- Fixed human icons on the in-game map
- Improved in-game map selection by selecting current unit first upon opening instead of first science target
21st November 2016
- Added Rovers/Landers/Probes going into standby on low power
- Added Rover/Lander/Probe heating power drain based on exterior temperature
- Added Rover/Lander/Probe damaging based on exterior temperature with lack of heating due to low power
- Added communications ranges to Landers' and Rovers' antennas
- Fixed stack overflow that could occur if looping power cables into themselves
- Fixed ISS having its docking port set to part 59 instead of 60 (PMA port) which could cause unstable behaviour
- Fixed Rover/Lander/Probe chemical batteries switching on/off constantly at certain limits
- Fixed Rover/Lander/Probe low power notifications spamming at certain levels
18th November 2016
- Added Robotics Tutorials to the Training menu
- Fixed Rocks Generator Tool crash
- Fixed crash in Gravon when going out of fullscreen (in Mission Control Room)
14th November 2016
- Implemented safety checks for stowing/deploying new Poptent
- Implemented stowing/deploying of new Poptent
- Added support for cylindrical ambient sound volumes
- Added timeout for flashing, unread objectives to avoid disco fever
- Added radiation shielding to old Manned Landing Module
- Added radiation shielding to Manned Small Landing Module
- Added communications range to old Manned Landing Module
- Added communications range to Manned Small Landing Module
- Adjusted the 15 character inventory slots on the right from universal to 9x 'Micro', 5x 'Small' and 1x 'Medium'
- Adjusted Drill Tool, Gas Sampling Tool, Soil Sampling Tool and Lab Equipment Kit from 'Small' inventory slot size to 'Medium'
- Added UniversalEvent calls to MP game mode scripts
- Fixed flickering issue when highlighting objects
11th November 2016
- Added support for underwater ambient sounds to water zones
- Fixed issue in Editor when creating new scenario where inputting file name first and then title did not allow you to continue
- Optimized above water to underwater sound modulation calculation
10th November 2016
- Added weather and sun zenith limiters to ambient sound points, making it possible for them to play only at certain times of the day etc
- Implemented adaptive sound volume levels to change volume levels according to loudness of sounds played
9th November 2016
- Added new version of Poptent
8th November 2016
- Disabled helmet HUD interlace effect by default, can be switched on in Options
- Updated driver GUI for airlock control in Manned Mobile Laboratory
3rd November 2016
- Fixed freeze that occurred occasionally in the Asteroid Belt with the asteroid generator script
- Optimized the asteroid generator script in the Asteroid Belt
- Added map icons to mining machines
- Added map icons to power generators
- Added map icons to Life Support Modules
- Added map preview to Manned Descent Vehicle
- Added map preview to Manned Ascent Vehicle
2nd November 2016
- Updated Airlock controls of Manned Mobile Laboratory
- Adjusted Thermal and Night vision modes to use single sky preset instead of one for each
- Added reload of FX files when pressing 'Dev Reload Scripts' in developer mode
1st November 2016
- Added Small Wall with Suit Holder for Outpost bases
- Added Small Wall with Resource Barrel slots for Outpost bases
- Fixed long freeze that occurred with large bases when calculating power connections
- Fixed issue where all music was played at 100% volume level, ignoring its sound shader setting
- Reduced global sound levels to allow a broader range of volumes, such as for thrusters
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 26th October 2016
26th October 2016
- Fixed issue where atmospheric zone composition was extremely network intensive, now data is buffered
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 25th October 2016
24th October 2016
- Added custom sky preset support for new addons
- Fixed jittery mixing of gases between atmospheric zones and the atmosphere
20th October 2016
- Added pressurization info to Cargo Transport airlock GUIs
19th October 2016
- Added new Modular Door
- Improved model of Modular Airlock Door
- Implemented GUI functionality for Modular Door
- Implemented GUI functionality for Modular Airlock Door
18th October 2016
- Updated Airlock controls of Cargo truck
13th October 2016
- Implemented a supply drop in multiplayer Cooperation mode containing resource-using 3D Printer and mining machines
- Removed Creative 3D Printer from the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Reduced mass of Cable Spool (50m) from 85kg to 60kg
12th October 2016
- Implemented adding/subtracting resources to/from stored reserves to the Manned Landing Module
- Implemented adding/subtracting resources to/from stored reserves to the Manned Mobile Laboratory
11th October 2016
- Implemented adding/subtracting resources to/from stored reserves to the Poptent
- Implemented adding/subtracting resources to/from stored reserves to the Manned Cargo Transport
10th October 2016
- Implemented new atmospheric zone system for Small Landing Module
6th October 2016
- Implemented Life Support Module adding/subtracting resources to/from stored reserves
5th October 2016
- Restore atmospheric zone composition after a group calculates new zones
4th October 2016
- Added Life Support Module model for modular bases
27th September 2016
- Implemented Life Support Module
16th September 2016
- Synchronized dynamic atmospheric zones in vehicles over MP
15th September 2016
- Implemented saving/loading of atmospheric zone composition to saves
- Minor optimization to scenario load function
13th September 2016
- Implemented network synchronization of atmospheric zones
- Implemented network synchronization of building block leak points
12th September 2016
- Fixed occasional crash with Outpost Airlock Door, where disassembling it deleted its 3D GUI handler
9th September 2016
- Implemented network synchronization of building block groups
7th September 2016
- Fixed power cables occasionally getting stuck in floor and objects
- Fixed ragdoll bodies occasionally getting stuck in floor and objects
30th August 2016
- Added next/previous reaction buttons to the Materials Refinery, fixing the bug where the input could be used for multiple reactions but could not be selected
- Added option to enable/disable realistic rover speeds (off by default)
- Fixed 3D GUI issue in mouse cursor mode (RMB) where clicking on some buttons resulted in double-click
29th August 2016
- Added air composition tracking to atmospheric zones
26th August 2016
- Added definable atmospheric composition into location (.loc) files, used for atmospheric zones
- Moved character turning from on physics step to on frame, making it smoother overall
- Implemented 'Reload from configs' button into in-game Editor for updating characters and vehicles in older scenarios from current configs
- Updated Mars Encyclopedia with current atmospheric composition values
- Fixed 'jittery' movement of the MAV inside the MDV shell while landing
- Fixed 'jittery' movement of statically bound parts on vehicles at high speeds
25th August 2016
- Added fuel inlet labels for MML and CargoTruck
24th August 2016
- Added Life Support Module model for outpost bases
23rd August 2016
- Added dynamic layered music handler that can be used in missions to play a music track divided into multiple layers
22nd August 2016
- Improved object highlight effect, now just a solid color which is less disturbing
- Improved glass on Outpost building blocks, now less yellow
- Added snapping of power cables even when holding part before the cable's end
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 18th August 2016
18th August 2016
- Added option to disable gross visual effects
- Fixed potential NULL pointer in Soil Tool and Drill Tool
- Fixed potential NULL pointer when opening map in multiplayer in certain situations
17th August 2016
- Added Radiation Monitor for alerting personnel of radiation and solar events (plugs into utility slots in Outpost and Modular bases)
- Added Radiation Shield panels for the Outpost base set
- Fixed disappearing particles and models when scene was complex
16th August 2016
- Added Radiation Shield panels for the Modular base set
- Added Adaptive physics detail setting, where it adjusts physics detail dynamically based on FPS
- Added temperature change arrows to the survival HUD to indicate if you are warming up or cooling down
- Implemented sound environment effects such as muffled sounds underwater, reverb in buildings, etc
- Fixed issue where testing a vehicle in the Mars Yard, leaving, and then testing another had the old one still there
STEAM Development Beta Update from 12th August 2016
12th August 2016
- Implemented vomiting if extremely sick from fever or radiation poisoning
- Added Nitric Oxide as a resource
- Fixed minor issue in the Global objectives screen where if the mouse was above a button it would not scroll
11th August 2016
- Implemented slipping into ragdoll when moving too fast on very steep slopes
- Implemented slip-back if trying to move up very steep slopes
10th August 2016
- Added radiation blocking to Manned Mobile Lab
- Added radiation blocking to Manned Descent Vehicle
- Added 'sick' movement state, where if the character has high radiation etc, he moves slower
- Added 'injured' movement state, where if the character is heavily injured, he moves slower
- Improved radiation algorithm, now takes material type into account
- Improved character tag display system
- Improved character space suit insulation calculation
- Changed radiation loss rate from 0.15 to 2.5 Sv per real 24h
- Fixed bug where radiation levels spiked at sunset despite not being exposed
8th August 2016
- Major visual update for the interior of the ISS
- Added printable Flare
- Added printable Emergency Oxygen Bottle
- Added background comms chatter based on amount of teammates within comms range
- Added breath fog effect to helmet vizor based on respiration rate
- Implemented multiplayer synchronization of Realistic Sound setting
- Fixed MP respawn issue where sometimes characters did not respawn
- Fixed MP ready room issue where you could no longer walk into 'PLAY'
- Fixed MP dead body issue where walking into 'CONTINUE' after death put you into your previous dead body
- Fixed WASD controls no longer working for Landers
5th August 2016
- Improved Flare model
- Improved Flare flame effects
- Added Suit Patch sounds
- Added Vitamin eat sounds
4th August 2016
- Added sounds to Construction Tool
- Added sounds to Medical Tool
- Added printable Light Suit and Helmet
- Added printable Medium Suit and Helmet
- Added printable Heavy Suit and Helmet
- Added printable Suit Maintenance Kit
- Added Fabric as a resource
- Added Glue as a resource
- Improved O2 alarm system, now softer at first, then loud when critical
- Implemented suit and helmet O2 leakage and increased usage by leaks
- Implemented patching leaks in suit and helmet to stop leaks, no longer repairs
- Implemented HUD leak effects, where you can see and hear air escaping
- Set Realistic Sound on by default
- Fixed Medical Tool not being able to target characters in ragdoll mode
2nd August 2016
- Implemented suit and helmet damage, no longer tied to character's health
- Implemented helmet damage effects such as cracks, jittery HUD etc
12th July 2016
- Fixed Workbench tools crash
- Added video cutscene support, which pauses world in the background etc
- Added communication range visualization to map
7th July 2016
- Implemented communication range affecting map icons
- Added Modular printer in Machines tutorial
4th July 2016
- Implemented communications ranges and networks
- Implemented communications signal strength indicator onto HUD
28th June 2016
- Added hatches and doors to interior of ISS
- Increased zero gravity floating 'distance from objects' tolerance
- Fixed issue where zero gravity floating detected special colliders
- Fixed fast-turn in zero gravity death
27th June 2016
- Fixed Ammonia and Fertilizer reactions not showing in the list
- Fixed Manned Mobile Laboratory panels malfunctioning
- Fixed Manned Ascent Vehicle auto-docking issues
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 22nd June 2016
22nd June 2016
- Added resource costs for everything
- Added new scenario 'Docking with the ISS'
- Added printable Manned Mobile Laboratory (MML)
- Added resource Ammonia for mixing of Fertilizer
- Added resource Fertilizer, for mixing with Mars Soil, Earth Soil etc to make Fertile Soil
- Added resource Fertile Soil, which the Hydroponics stations now use
- Added stored Fertile Soil to Manned Descent Vehicle, for growing crops on landing etc
- Implemented doors and hatches for the Russian segment of the ISS
- Implemented doors for the Quest airlock and the Kibo airlock on the ISS
- Removed Science Buggy from the 3D Printer list
20th June 2016
- Implemented indication of low resources per item in modular 3D Printer
17th June 2016
- Implemented display of available and required resources in the modular 3D Printer
- Implemented usage of resources in the modular 3D Printer (used on printing start)
- Fixed player's head and helmet not showing up in first person camera
- Improved power cable stability, no longer go insane of their own accord
15th June 2016
- Improved atmospheric zone generation algorithm, now creates zones for incomplete walls as well, needed for correct leaks
- Optimized atmospheric zone generation algorithm significantly, now generates 10x as fast
- Added support to Materials Refinery for different reaction for the same input (eg: Mars Soil now has 2 possible reactions)
- Revised available resources in all locations (eg: Victoria Crater has Mars Rock, Mars Soil, Mars Atmosphere)
14th June 2016
- Added modular 3D Printer Core screen
- Added MDV (Habitat) Hydroponics functionality for growing plants
13th June 2016
- Added several new chemical compounds and elements
- Added new chemical reactions that split soil into oxides, for Small Refinery
- Added Small Refinery for printing with a smaller 3D Printer setup
- Added Small Topsoil Extractor for printing with a smaller 3D Printer setup
- Added Small Atmospheric Processor for printing with a smaller 3D Printer setup
- Moved chemical reactions into a config list file for addon/mod support
- Increased refining speed of Materials Refinery by 4
- Fixed GUI panel not allowing control on low power in the Materials Refinery
10th June 2016
- Added International Space Station (ISS) as spawnable vehicle
- Added Modular 3D Printer parts allowing and/or limiting what can be printed based on size
- Added Small Drilling Rig for printing with a smaller 3D Printer setup
- Fixed issues with Modular base pieces having incorrect atmospheric zone points and slots, now generate zones well
- Fixed crash in scenarios with older spawned Manned Mobile Laboratory
9th June 2016
- Added fading of background sounds while a conversation is playing
8th June 2016
- Fixed issue with atmospheric zone generation algorithm not creating zones where it should
5th June 2016
- Fixed water zones applying forces on objects even if in-game editor was active
- Fixed traces registering water zones as solid surfaces
- Fixed issue with particles not being visible underwater
3rd June 2016
- Added Small 3D Printer (non-creative mode)
- Improved obstruction detection for 3D Printers
- Improved 3D printing effects
2nd June 2016
- Fixed underwater camera effects
- Improved camera effects
1st June 2016
- MAV (Shuttle) GUI update - Launch + Docking sequence
27th May 2016
- Fixed issue in FindFile functions, where only one packed mod could be searched (configs etc)
- Implemented support for the game to be Large Address Aware, further addressing memory issues
- Fixed collision overlap for Solar array for Large Rover
23rd May 2016
- Fixed broken Manned Mobile Laboratory rear panels being black
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 20th May 2016
19th May 2016
- Fixed Out of Video Memory crash
- Implemented support for building blocks to generate their own entire atmospheric zones
- Fixed problematic building blocks not generating atmospheric zones (with above)
17th May 2016
- Added dedicated button to open/close cargo ramp on MDV (Habitat)
- Optimized atmospheric zone generation algorithm by 15%
12th May 2016
- Added airlock status displays for MDV (Habitat)
10th May 2016
- Added reading default resources from config lists, used to be in the Materials Refinery
- Fixed map in Mission Control where rovers and landers were no longer visible
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 10th May 2016
10th May 2016
- Fixed major MP bug where player view orientation was desynchronized between server and clients
6th May 2016
- Added Lab Table to the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Added Resource Tanks to the Manned Descent Vehicle
29th April 2016
- Added list of required instruments in Rover GUI -> MIS tab
- Fixed item GUIs for Medical tool and Low gain transmitter
22nd April 2016
- Implemented OMS thrusters for the MAV
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 21st April 2016
21st April 2016
- Added docking computer GUI info to the MAV
- Added docking singleplayer test scenario 'DEMO: MAV to MAV Docking'
20th April 2016
- Implemented vehicle-to-vehicle docking
- Improved basic Probe heatshield texture
- Removed old Arcade rover GUI
18th April 2016
- Fixed occasional crash while selecting blank entry in Rover GUI/CTR Tab
15th April 2016
- Fixed Hi-power illumination system to work with new rover UI
14th April 2016
- Improved ladder system, now ignores ladders that are tilted too far etc
13th April 2016
- Implemented better camera transition when going into a ladder
- Implemented ladders for vehicles
- Added ladders to Mars Descent Vehicle
- Added ladders to Mars Ascent Vehicle
12th April 2016
- Rover, Lander, Probe and Zero-G Probe user interface overhaul
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 7th April 2016
7th April 2016
- Implemented launch sequence of the MAV from the MDV using the screens in the cabin
5th April 2016
- Added monitors in the cabin of the MAV
4th April 2016
- Added docking screen to the MAV
STEAM Development Beta Update from 31st March 2016
31st March 2016
- Implemented seat exits in the Manned Ascent Vehicle based on whether launched or not
- All 5 training missions are now available
30th March 2016
- Added launch construction to the Manned Descent Vehicle to hold the Ascent stage
29th March 2016
- Added human Spacecraft controls for the Manned Ascent Vehicle
25th March 2016
- Added Rangefinder tools to the tool racks in the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Added Fuel usage for Truck and MML
- Updated vehicle GUIs
24th March 2016
- Added Rangefinder tool with zoom and distance display
- Fixed broken achievements
- Fixed issue when connecting to a LAN server where it said there was a CRC mismatch
- Fixed issue where mods in multiplayer were checked in random order, creating CRC mismatch errors
21st March 2016
- Fixed character in Ready Room going into ragdoll
- Fixed character in Ready Room running out of air
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 18th March 2016
18th March 2016
- Added inventories to all parts of the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Filled inventories in the Manned Descent Vehicle with food, water, vitamins and seeds
17th March 2016
- Overhauled spawning/respawning in MP. First spawn is with a Light Suit in the Ascent stage. Respawns are with no suit in the Descent stage
- Implemented bodies staying for 5min when you die in MP, to allow recovery of items
- Added protective fairing to the Manned Descent Vehicle to protect the Ascent stage during landing
- Fixed issue in MP Competitive Mode where on loading a save game players were on incorrect teams
- Fixed typo in MML UI script potentially causing a crash in MP
16th March 2016
- Implemented pairing of Ascent to Descent stage of the Manned Descent Vehicle
15th March 2016
- Implemented airlock functionality to the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Improved out of air behaviour of characters, now they go unconscious and die after about a minute, allowing quick rescue
- Adjusted volume of character heartbeat, breath and so on
- Added muffled footstep sounds in realistic sound mode when in a low air pressure environment
- Added suit rustling sounds when moving in a suit, primarily for realistic sound mode
- Implemented moving item to last slots first when double-clicking on item in inventory, meaning tool tries to go to tool slot first
14th March 2016
- Added atmospheric zones the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Implemented shower functionality of the shower in the Manned Descent Vehicle
STEAM Development Beta Update from 11th March 2016
11th March 2016
- Added Tool Racks to the EVA Prep Room in the Manned Descent Vehicle
10th March 2016
- Added Suit Holders to the EVA Prep Room in the Manned Descent Vehicle
9th March 2016
- Added packed 3D Printer to the Engineering Airlock ramp of the Manned Descent Vehicle (unpacks when used)
8th March 2016
- Added shower and chairs to the Manned Descent Vehicle
- Improved parts of the interior of the Manned Descent Vehicle
7th March 2016
- Added remaining doors to the Manned Descent Vehicle
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 4th March 2016
4th March 2016
- Added new Manned Descent Vehicle (now default in multiplayer too) WIP!!
- Added new Manned Ascent Vehicle (will launch from atop the descent vehicle) WIP!!
- Fixed rovers falling through floor in Mars Yard when being tested
3rd March 2016
- Fixed lethal elevator bug in the Manned Landing Module
1st March 2016
- Implemented support for un-deletable collision blockers in vehicles
12th February 2016
- Added minute movement in zero-gravity if within an air zone, even if no objects are around (swimming in air)
10th February 2016
- Added possibility to prevent individual key actions in a mission script
8th February 2016
- Changed visual model of Event FX in the In-Game Editor
- Allowed rotation of Event FX in the In-Game Editor
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 3rd February 2016
3rd February 2016
- Fixed issue with Manned Mobile Laboratory causing crashes in older scenarios
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 3rd February 2016
2nd February 2016
- Fixed issue with Manned Mobile Laboratory not spawning sometimes
- Added the Laboratory Equipment Case to the 3D Printer list
- Added lab top to the Manned Mobile Laboratory, works the same way as the Lab Table
- Removed rear exterior monitor from the Manned Mobile Laboratory, moving the GUIs to the two monitors available
- Implemented analyzing samples in the Manned Mobile Laboratory lab top
29th January 2016
- Implemented line-of-sight calculations for characters and vehicles of other teams into the map
- Implemented save/load of discovered sector resources into scenarios and saves
- Implemented multiplayer synchronization of resource amounts per sector
- Implemented multiplayer synchronization of discovered sector resources
STEAM Development Beta Update from 28th January 2016
28th January 2016
- Added sector number display in the map based on highlight
- Implemented analysis of samples via the Lab Table
27th January 2016
- Added resource sectors to the in-game map, accessible via a button in the map
- Implemented discovering resource concentrations in an area using the sampling tools, and then analyzing the sample
25th January 2016
- Fixed crash when an entity was deleted while having the Map open
13th January 2016
- Added Laboratory Equipment Case, used to analyze samples, must be deployed on table first
- Added Field of View (FOV) slider to the video options menu, range is 60 to 110 degrees (default 75)
13th January 2016
- Reduced camera far plane from 10km to 5km, improving performance mildly and fixing several rendering issues
- Fixed all scenarios which had malfunctioning power sockets and vehicles
9th January 2016
- Added Sabatier reaction to Refinery (CO2 + 4H2 -> CH4 + 2H2O)
8th January 2016
- Added Soil Sampling Tool for acquiring topsoil samples
- Added Gas Sampling Tool for acquiring atmospheric gas samples
- Added Gas Sample can, created when a sample is taken by the Gas Sampling Tool
6th January 2016
- Added Drill Sampling Tool for acquiring subsurface samples
- Added Drill Sample container, created when a sample is taken by the Drill Sampling Tool
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 21st December 2015
21st December 2015
- Fixed crash in 1st manned section mission of the Space Program mode
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 18th December 2015
18th December 2015
- Added first manned mission to the Space Program
- Added Data Discs for the 3D Printer which contain blueprints, still WIP
- Improved 3D Printer UI, now is categorized, has a grid display of the items, etc
- Improved 3D Printer functionality, no longer allows printing of the printing space is obstructed, glows red when obstructed
- Fixed crash related to the 3D Printer
16th December 2015
- Fixed issue where grabbing a heavy object with the tool out made it have zero mass, causing physics issues
3rd December 2015
- Added current use and throw/interact binding helpers
- Added dubbing to tutorials
- Changed barrel snapping to vehicles to be distance based only
- Added mission Lost outpost
- Added mission Mining site C-03
2nd December 2015
- Added Training mode to the main menu
27th November 2015
- Fixed issue with weather zones where the particle effects remained behind
- Implemented dropping held tool if dead or received an impact which knocks the player unconscious
26th November 2015
- Improved water impact damage to player and vehicles
- Improved switching into ragdoll based on impact
- Added 1:12 scale option in Scenarios properties
- Added inventory item and slot highlighting for tutorial purposes
- Fixed issue where a character in ragdoll could have his inventory highlighted from strange places
- Fixed issue where part of ragdoll with zero mass could be highlighted
STEAM Development Beta Update from 25th November 2015
24th November 2015
- Implemented sound when the door bumps into something while opening/closing
- Implemented door trying to continue opening/closing after bumping within 1.5s
23rd November 2015
- Added keybinding hint when player hides GUI
- Added keybinding hint when player shows cursor
- Removed throwing a held object when a tool is equipped
- Implemented lowering held tool if interacting with a 3D GUI
- Improved 'spawn at Cursor' in the in-game Editor, now spawns 10m in front of camera if it did not detect a valid position
- Fixed minor issue where in non-developer mode, if in-game and options were opened and then closed, the 'RELOAD ENTITY SCRIPTS' button was shown
- Changed the 'PRESS E TO DISEMBARK' hint to 2D only, fixing issues for lower resolutions
- Persistent hints are now twice as large for resolutions above 2000 x 1152
20th November 2015
- Added better sorting of scenarios in the Multiplayer create game menu
18th November 2015
- Removed arms and additional parts from 3D Printer model
- Current 3D Printer is to become 'Creative Mode' 3D Printer, not using resources or power (new, modular 3D Printer in the works)
- Changed 3D Printer animation to not spin up/down so long (which slowed its printing speed)
12th November 2015
- Added a conversation system, usable in missions to have dialogues between characters
- Added a title and description definition to planet .pla files
- Added basic line wrapping to the multiplayer chat console
- Added better sorting of scenarios in the Scenarios menu
5th November 2015
- Fixed occasional NULL pointer crash in the objectives system
- Fixed triggers not triggering after load in single player
3rd November 2015
- Fixed minor issue where holding R/Mouse 4 without object no longer zoomed in
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 3rd November 2015
3rd November 2015
- Added Robotics/Manned selection screen when starting a new game in Space Program mode (Manned is WIP)
2nd November 2015
- Added discrete, 90 degree object rotation keys, rotating and snapping held object orientation to the nearest/by 90 degrees (defaults 'Home/End/Insert/PageUp/Delete/PageDown')
- Added persistent hints (can be turned off) that show controls for various actions on-screen
- Changed yaw axis object rotation key (default 'L Alt'), no longer requires the pitch/roll object rotation key (default 'R') to be held as well
30th October 2015
- Fixed issue where you could not crouch while moving
- Added stance indicator to bottom right of HUD, showing if crouching/standing etc
29th October 2015
- Overhauled object manipulation system, now tries to keep object orientation even after collisions
- Fixed issue where turning quickly while holding an object sent it flying away
13th October 2015
- Fixed crash that occurred when moving from a location to an Earth location
- Fixed weird bug where rain occasionally appeared on Mars locations
6th October 2015
- Added Exterior Wall (Power Socket) to the new base panels (6 in, 6 out)
- Added 12 slotted Power Socket Hub (6 in, 6 out)
- Improved wall panel socket now has 6 in, 6 out
- Optimized the Resource Barrels to calculate the display only if they are actually being rendered
STEAM Development Beta Update from 4th October 2015
4th October 2015
- Increased unsnap tolerance of power cables
- Added a cargo version of the Manned Heavy Chopper
- Added switches to the Manned Heavy Chopper for the rear ramp, landing gear, and WIP monitors
- Added all seats to the personnel version of the Manned Heavy Chopper
3rd October 2015
- Added placeable Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG) with output power connection points
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 2nd October 2015
1st October 2015
- Implemented multiplayer synchronization of building block groups
- Fixed multiplayer save game issue where it saved less data than it should have
STEAM Development Beta Update from 1st October 2015
1st October 2015
- Implemented power simulation, machines now subtract power from power sources and all have displays indicating power/load
- Implemented machines not functioning without power (except for 3D Printer for now)
29th September 2015
- Added a cable spool, holds up to 50m worth of cable
- Implemented winding of cables onto the cable spool if there is room
28th September 2015
- Fixed issue where seats/beds could no longer be highlighted
- Fixed issue where 3D GUIs could not be clicked with mouse cursor enabled
- Fixed an occasional issue that occurred when respawning in multiplayer, related to character IDs
- Fixed issue where if clients opened inventory it would enable cursor on server
STEAM Development Beta Update from 25th September 2015
25th September 2015
- Added wall panel (old style base) with power sockets for both in and out
- Improved planet appearance in Mars Orbit, Earth Orbit, and Deimos locations
- Supply modules now spawnable on ground without heatshield part
23rd September 2015
- Added Communications Array, functionality still WIP
- Implemented multiplayer support for power cable plugging/unplugging
22nd September 2015
- Fixed issue where when mantling and holding tool out, it froze the animation
- Fixed issue with over-the-shoulder 3rd person camera where it did not highlight objects correctly
- Fixed minor issue where is your cursor was on a 3D GUI and you had the main menu shown it still interacted with the gui
- Implemented hose nozzle movement animation for the Topsoil Extractor
- Added input power connection points to the Topsoil Extractor
- Added input power connection points to the Materials Refinery
21st September 2015
- Added compass to player's helmet for better navigation
- Added input power connection points to the Atmospheric Processor
20th September 2015
- Improved wind simulation, now using more realistic calculation, taking exposed object surface area into account
- Added placeable Solar Array with output power connection points
- Added input power connection points to the Drilling Rig
18th September 2015
- Added power cables as ragdolls that can snap end to end
- Optimized base GameEntity class, removed many unnecessary variables, overall improving memory usage and save file size
17th September 2015
- Barrels can now be placed purely based on distance and without construction tool
- Pop-tent can now be placed without construction tool
10th September 2015
- Added WIP water impact and underwater effects
- Added triggers triggering only when the mission is started
- Improved light shadows, no longer jagged
- Improved mantling, now relative to head height
- Tweaked conditions for going into ragdoll
9th September 2015
- Added a pause button to the in-game editor, which allows pausing of the in progress mission
- Fixed issue with object highlighting where objects that were just out of range could still be highlighted, but not grabbed
- Fixed issue where building block custom grid snap size did not save in singleplayer
- Fixed several issues with hosting on LAN
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 8th September 2015
8th September 2015
- Added events for most actions to the main mission script module
- Added support for defining custom grid snap size in XYZ for building blocks
- Fixed issue where tripod lights could be on for clients but off for server and vice-versa
- Fixed issue where code-locked building block doors were unlocked for newly joining players
7th September 2015
- Added characters automatically going into ragdoll mode when dead, hit hard or fall from a height
6th September 2015
- Added ragdoll support, can be bodies as well as machines with joints etc
- Implemented saving/loading and placement in editor for ragdolls
5th September 2015
- Improved showing of in-game menu, which had to always unload entities for save game compatibility
- Added a 'reload entity scripts' button to the in-game menu in developer mode
3rd September 2015
- Added an on mission start event, that gets called when the mission begins
- Added a stop/start button to the in-game editor, which allows testing the scenario in the editor, then returning it to its former state
- Improved character climbing on objects, now does not climb 'into' them and crouches if that lets him fit
- Improved character jumping, now dependant on clearance above head, will not jump at full strength if roof is directly above
- Fixed issue where jumping resulted in top half of character no longer colliding
2nd September 2015
- Added DEMO: Objectives Test scenario for testing the objectives system
- Fixed in-game editor issue where visualizers were not updated
31st August 2015
- Added a new objectives system for handling manned objectives
- Added mission global script support, whereby each scenario can have its own global script file
24th August 2015
- Added support for old MP saves, will now be shown under
19th August 2015
- Added map icons and preview images to vehicles and characters
18th August 2015
- Added possibility to open map anywhere, even while in a rover (added shortcut 'M')
- Swapped control for opening the Mars Encyclopedia from default 'M' to default 'F2'
- Added map icons and preview image support for characters and vehicles
- Implemented saving/loading of map icons and preview images
- GUI overhaul: Mission Control
16th August 2015
- Script tweak: Elevator in 'Landing Module' opens door automatically when airzone is present outside
15th August 2015
- GUI overhaul: Global Objectives
- GUI overhaul: Technology development
- GUI overhaul: Mars Encyclopedia
- GUI overhaul: Mission deployment
- GUI overhaul: Rover laboratory
8th July 2015
- Added 'Huge Resource Tank', which is mounted to a building and holds 24500 resource
7th July 2015
- Implemented toilet functionality (almost complete)
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 3rd July 2015
3rd July 2015
- Fixed 'out of memory' crash by reducing textures that were huge
2nd July 2015
- Added saving/loading of seated characters on building blocks
- Fixed issue where after loading in multiplayer, the Ready Room was gone
1st July 2015
- Added key for taking huge screenshots (6000 x 4000 px) in free fly cam, default ctrl + F12
- Fixed Scout Buggy using old animations for right side driver/passenger
- Fixed issue where exiting seat in the Manned Landing Module resulted in death
- Swapped control for opening inventory from default 'M' to default 'I'
- Swapped control for opening the Mars Encyclopedia from default 'I' to default 'M'
30th June 2015
- Added seat/bed support for building blocks, now each can define several seats/beds
29th June 2015
- Overhauled the atmospheric zone generation system, now generates over a couple of frames and is not recursive
- Fixed stack overflow crash when generating atmospheric zones for large buildings
- Added placeable Toilet, Beds and Lab Table furniture
18th June 2015
- Fixed issue where the Light Tripod could only be mounted on terrain
- Fixed issue where the Nav Beacon could only be mounted on terrain
- Updated Main menu GUIs
10th June 2015
- Updated the Graphic User Interface of Scenario Editor
1st June 2015
- Fixed crash in developer mode 'Could not find inventory item by item ID XX'
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 28th May 2015
28th May 2015
- Reduced number of entries for Datapad to 24
27th May 2015
- Added multiplayer mod support
19th May 2015
- Added placeable Couch and Armchair furniture
- Added optimized loading of script modules, where each can define the memory it should allocate for the module
- Added log for tracking the memory required for each script module, only in developer mode
18th May 2015
- Fixed crash caused by Supply Module door showing 'disengage flight lock' despite being detached
11th May 2015
- Adjusted DataPad animations
- Adjusted weather in Lyot and Cydonia SP scenarios
6th May 2015
- Added possibility to set day time scale (1:1, 1:24, 1:60) in scenarios in the editor
5th May 2015
- Added Gusev Crater location
- Added 'MULTIPLAYER: Gusev Crater' scenario
- Added 'Kaiser Colony no.001' scenario
- Added solar event warning indicator to HUD, showing arrival time and progression of a solar event
- Added weather and solar event indicators to free fly camera, including in editor to help set precise conditions for a scenario
- Added storing/loading of solar event parameters to scenarios (solar activity level was already stored before)
- Improved solar flare generation algorithm, now generates a flare and then a delay, both influenced by scenario solar activity level
- Fixed issue where vehicles with a driver in them would move from input even in free fly
4th May 2015
- Fixed 'Inventory item storage is NULL' crash after loading a game in singleplayer
- Fixed broken singleplayer scenarios, including 'E3 - Gale Crater', 'E3 - Victoria Crater', 'Mars Yard Explorer', and 'Asteroid E5651'
- Added WIP solar radiation events (solar flares), can be set in scenarios
30th April 2015
- Added thermal insulation properties to suits
- Added Geiger counter and high radiation alarm to space suits
- Added Radiation simulation
- Added Body Temperature simulation
- Added Sleep simulation
29th April 2015
- Added Medical Tool, for examining your character's survival values as well as others'
28th April 2015
- Added rain to Mars Island and Mars Yard
27th April 2015
- Fixed issue where human characters used vehicle controls
- Fixed issue where after swimming, the character's body turned to where he was looking
- Removed opposite push force to character when dragging objects etc unless in zero gravity
- Improved swimming by adding swim down using crouch
24th April 2015
- Added Mars Island scenario
- Fixed Probe generating science targets, no longer does so
- Fixed Small Lander Vertical Robotic Arm not reacting if controls were set as secondary
- Improved aircraft controls, taking into account incremental throttle and normal throttle (need to be remapped!)
23rd April 2015
- Added correct Earth resources to Mars Yard and Mars Island
- Fixed issue of being able to breathe in Earth Orbit with no helmet
- Improved handling of Earth time zones, Mars Island now has correct time of UTC -2
- Improved Mars Island rocks etc
22nd April 2015
- Added Mars Island location
- Added Earth Orbit location
- Added Mars Orbit location
- Added Earth Orbital Station scenario
- Added Mars Orbital Station scenario
- Added handling of breath for swimming underwater
- Fixed issue of requiring suit to breathe on Earth locations
20th April 2015
- Fixed Flare and Oxytank localized strings
- Fixed Flare sound shutter
- Fixed Item sounds
- Fixed SP campaign triggers
17th April 2015
- Improved Construction Tool model
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 16th April 2015
16th April 2015
- Added various Supply Drop types, such as food and water, suits, mining machines, and 3D Printer
15th April 2015
- Added day time scale server option to multiplayer
- Added fuel handling and inventories to the Manned Mobile Laboratory (still WIP)
13th April 2015
- Added new track 'Melancholic Serenity' by Dram
10th April 2015
- Added spawning of contents for Supply Modules, can be defined via individual configs which even support inventory items in vehicles, boxes etc
- Added supply drops to Competitive mode, just contains 3D Printer for now
- Added aircraft specific controls to keybindings for VTOL
9th April 2015
- Fixed major texture handling issues, which should solve freezing
- Added input device support! Joysticks, gamepads, wheels, pedals may now have controls bound to them, and can have deadzones set for each axis
8th April 2015
- Added Supply Modules for delivering supplies
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 7th April 2015
7th April 2015
- Fixed freeze in normal exe (TKOM.exe) when trying to load a scenario
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 3rd April 2015
3rd April 2015
- Added Competitive multiplayer mode
- Added storing/loading of survival values to scenarios and multiplayer saves
- Added storing/loading of character and vehicle team to scenarios and multiplayer saves
- Added possibility to set team number for vehicles and characters in the editor
- Added ready room for Competitive multiplayer mode
- Improved ready room for Cooperative multiplayer mode
2nd April 2015
- Added Small Manned Landing Module, holds 2 people maximum, planned for use in the Competitive MP Game mode
- Fixed issue where the elevator or cargo doors on the Manned Landing Module were desynchronized
- Fixed issue where leaving a vehicle by a client sometimes left it driving backwards
1st April 2015
- Added random pessimistic oranges that are realistically on Mars, honest! Happy April Fools!
- Fixed character death caused by standing up from crouch with an object above
- Improved player tags, now show to a maximum of 100m, or only 5m for other teams (for competitive etc)
30th March 2015
- Added interactive 3D GUI to Airlock Door, can be used to lock the door via passcode
26th March 2015
- Added setting of stored resources in Resource Barrels and Resource tanks via selection properties in the in-game editor, works over multiplayer as well!
- Added message for players that appears when the server host is using the in-game editor
25th March 2015
- Added possible chemical reactions list to the Materials Refinery for easy in-game reference
- Fixed issue where loading older scenarios/MP saves had resource barrels filled with incorrect materials
- Fixed issue in loading stored items in inventories in vehicles/characters, where it would duplicate it throughout the vehicle
- Fixed Lunar Proving Ground scenario
24th March 2015
- Overhauled door models, now have 3D GUI panels indicating safety to open
23rd March 2015
- Added Space Water Pack inventory item for drinking water on the go
- Added Water Station and Hydroponics Station to 'Victoria Settlement' scenario
- Implemented Water Station having to be in sufficient pressure and temperature to be drinkable
- Implemented Water Station being able to refill Space Water Packs
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 20th March 2015
20th March 2015
- Fixed major new performance issue and memory leak caused by sound points not deleting when they should have
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 19th March 2015
19th March 2015
- Implemented taking damage if you lack calories, vitamins, or water
- Added growing of plants from seed to plant via the Hydroponics Station (add soil to the Station first)
- Added a Water Station for drinking, needs a resource barrel full of Water to be able to drink
17th March 2015
- Added double-click on inventory items on the ground or other inventories, which moves them to a free, valid slot in the character's inventory
- Implemented being able to delete one inventory item and at the same time replace it with another new item (for plant seed bag to planted seeds etc)
16th March 2015
- Added opening of other object's inventory by holding use for at least 250ms
- Optimized lights on the VTOL, now adjusted per light detail setting
- Fixed some compatibility spawned vehicles (older MP saves or scenarios) spawning in objects
- Fixed correct highlight icons not appearing on clients
14th March 2015
- Happy Pi day for this century!
13th March 2015
- Fixed inventory not opening on inventory key (default 'M') in Multiplayer
- Added system that respawns characters in scenarios/MP saves that are of an older version, ensuring compatibility
- Inventory of building blocks opened with inventory key now (default 'M')
12th March 2015
- Implemented a realistic sound setting (based on air pressure, atmospheric zones), enabled in Options/Sound (default off)
11th March 2015
- Improved collider behavior of characters, now much less jittery and no more super-spin in zero gravity
- Improved placing of objects in the in-game Editor, not aligns to target surface
10th March 2015
- Added system that respawns vehicles in scenarios/MP saves that are of an older version, ensuring compatibility
- Added 'standby' mode to monitors in the Manned Mobile Lab
9th March 2015
- Added synchronizing of inventory item use (item options on right click) over Multiplayer
- Added Suit Holders to Manned Cargo Transport (must be respawned)
- Added Suit Holders to Manned Mobile Laboratory (must be respawned)
- Added Suit Holders to Manned Landing Module (must be respawned)
8th March 2015
- Added suits being refilled when in an Airlock Suit Holder, no longer refill when in oxygen zone
- Added indicator light to the Airlock Suit Holder to show how full the attached suit is
- Added synchronizing of inventory item variables over Multiplayer
- Added synchronizing of survival variables over Multiplayer
6th March 2015
- Fixed issue with inventory where moving something into your inventory from the world failed in Multiplayer
- Added deleting of inventory items (for edibles etc)
5th March 2015
- Implemented solar panels taking planet/sun eclipse into account
4th March 2015
- Added accessing inventories of other objects, allowing moving items between them etc
- Added definition of inventory UI layout for each object with an inventory, allowing custom designs etc
- Added inventory to Airlock Suit Holder, now also displays model of suit in the rack when in the inventory
- Implemented saving/loading of inventories with items to building block entity type
- Fixed synchronization issue with inventories
- Fixed issue where file paths were limited to 128 digits, increased to 256
3rd March 2015
- Added optional inventory to building block entity which can be used to store items
27th February 2015
- Improved movement in zero/micro gravity with an MMU, now does not keep turning in your look direction
- Added proper animations for zero/micro gravity movement
26th February 2015
- Implemented saving/loading of passengers in vehicles, no more having to jump out of vehicles before saving in multiplayer
- Taking resource from a sector does not completely deplete the sector anymore but leaves it almost empty
- Resource gathering speed is now influenced by how much resource is left in the sector, the less there is, the slower it can be extracted
- Improved resource gathering machines, now they track gathered amount per resource, meaning it can be quick to extract CO2, but takes much longer to extract N2
25th February 2015
- Fixed Mars 3/Prop-M sequence not deploying correctly
- Fixed self-destructive Prop-M skis, that broke off in strange twisting motions
- Improved movement and turning of the Prop-M rover, now correctly aligns skis to ensure correct movement
24th February 2015
- Added support for various hard drive format sizes
- Added Topsoil Extractor (still WIP)
- Added Resource Tank capable of storing up to 9500L of resource, can be filled by Resource Barrels and can fill them too
- Implemented weight change on Resource Barrels and Resource Tanks based on amount of resource
- Allowed assembling of building blocks irrelevant of their weight when dynamic, only when the Construction Tool is out
- Reduced resource gathering speed of the Atmospheric Processor
23rd February 2015
- Optimized lights based on Light Detail setting in options, influences radii, number of lights, and shadows
- Fixed character helmet light originating from above the character's head
- Improved character helmet light by adding flashlight texture
STEAM Development Beta Update from 23rd February 2015
20th February 2015
- Added monitors to Manned Cargo Transport, WIP
- Added Manned Cargo Transport to printable list, only WIP atm!
- Fixed weights of all printable objects, which did not allow lifting when heavy
19th February 2015
- Added atmospheric zones to Manned Cargo Transport
- Added airlock doors to Manned Cargo Transport
- Added pallet pusher blocks and buttons for them to Manned Cargo Transport
18th February 2015
- Added 3D GUI multifunctional monitor to the Manned Scout Buggy
- Implemented power drainage/recharging to the Manned Scout Buggy (recharged when using methane/oxygen)
- Implemented driving on methane/oxygen or electricity for the Manned Scout Buggy
13th February 2015
- Added activatable vehicle parts that can be used as buttons etc
- Added visual button-like functionality to vehicle parts, can be used for buttons
- Added buttons to control stairs and ramp on the Manned Cargo Transport vehicle
- Improved character to character collisions, allowing for better movement around players
11th February 2015
- Added new Rock Reducer tool to the in-game Editor tools panel, used to reduce the amount of rocks in the location, adjustable for each type
- Heavily optimized all maps (cut background terrain model into 16 pieces, reduced rockfield count), result on Cydonia was increase from 24 to 60+ fps!
10th February 2015
- Added rear and side ramps as well as railing to the Manned Cargo Transport vehicle
- Added a vehicle fuel handler class to handle use and snapping of fuel barrels
- Added fuel usage to the Scout Buggy (for now can still drive without fuel)
5th February 2015
- Fixed issue where grabbing and lifting an object under you lifted you into the sky
- Improved zero-g free-float movement, with correct physical reactions on object being moved on
- Added setting of reference object or point to the Manned Manoeuvring Unit (for tracking of an object or matching its speed)
- Added confirmation to exit vehicle by pressing use again within 2 seconds (avoids accidentally exiting the vehicle)
- Fixed issue where the player's driving position was relative to the main vehicle part, not the seat part
- Fixed issue where in a Manned Manoeuvring Unit you looked at another you could board it, breaking the game
- Fixed minor issue where the Manned Manoeuvring Unit would not thrust forward/back unless correctly aligned
4th February 2015
- If a Landing Module is found in the scenario/save in multiplayer, it is used as the main Landing Module in MP Coop
- Cooperative Multiplayer now starts with Landing Module
- Added Isidis Planitia Multiplayer scenario
- Added Ptolemaeus Crater Multiplayer scenario
- Improved highlighting of objects that can be grabbed, no longer offers grabbing objects that cannot realistically be moved
- Improved engine handling of vehicles, taking into account slope they are trying to climb etc
- Fixed issue where the 3rd person camera clipped on objects inside a vehicle while driving it
3rd February 2015
- Added Manned Cargo Transport vehicle (still needs railing, panels, etc)
- Improved damping of suspension springs on all vehicles using them (MML, Scout Buggy, etc), must be newly spawned
22nd January 2015
- Overhauled controls for the Manned Manoeuvring Unit
- Overhauled the cargo bay door for the Manned Landing module
- Added roller covers for windows which retract when close to landing to the Manned Landing Module
- Added support for space locations to the Manned Landing Module
- Added atmospheric zones to Manned Landing Module (storage)
20th January 2015
- Added atmospheric zones to Manned Landing Module (elevator and crew quarters)
- Added beds to Manned Landing Module
- Added panels for controlling elevator and cargo bay door to Manned Landing Module
16th January 2015
- Added landing sequence to Manned Landing Module
- Reduced speed of Scout Buggy
14th January 2015
- Fixed issue with object manipulation where it reacted differently per physics setting
- Improved object manipulation to be less 'laggy'
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 12th January 2015
12th January 2015
- Fixed missing terrain issue with Victoria Crater
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 19th December 2014
19th December 2014
- Added level of details without GUI to each monitor for better performance
- Updated all scenarios with the new Manned Mobile Lab (with crane)
- Finished Materials Refinery GUI
- Implemented a chemical reaction system in the Materials Refinery
17th December 2014
- Added 3D GUI screen to the Materials Refinery
- Fixed issue with NULL pointers to widget when client was connecting
16th December 2014
- Added 3D GUI controls to the Mobile Lab crane
15th December 2014
- Fixed stack overflow crash when assembling/disassembling huge buildings
- Fixed crash that occured when starting a multiplayer game, returning to menu, and starting one again
- Fixed incorrect info display of scenarios in the multiplayer Create Game menu
STEAM Development Beta Update from 12th December 2014
12th December 2014
- Added particle effects such as kicked up dust/rocks to footsteps
- Added 30sec delay before playing 'active' idle animations on the player
11th December 2014
- Added atmospheric zones to the Manned Mobile Lab
- Added dynamic atmospheric zones
- Disabled experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs
10th December 2014
- Added experimental 'zoom-in' to 3D GUIs if holding focus/rotate object
- Added 4 CCTV cameras viewable from the driver's seat of the Manned Mobile Lab
- Added proper animations to seats in Manned Mobile Lab
- Added Picture-in-Picture views for rear, undercarriage, interior, and airlock in the Manned Mobile Lab
5th December 2014
- Added 3D GUI monitors to the Manned Mobile Laboratory, which control the airlock and rear door
- Fixed broken packet issue in vehicles, possibly causing crashes in MP
3rd December 2014
- Fixed issue where exiting Gravon from fullscreen had hidden menus
- Fixed animations not playing on Atmospheric Processor and Drilling Rig
- Added MP synchronization of the Huge Monitor
- Added saving/loading of values of the Huge Monitor
1st December 2014
- Fixed crash/freeze caused by a texture handling issue
30th November 2014
- Added synchronization of the cursor for 3D GUIs over the net
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 28th November 2014
28th November 2014
- Fixed crash caused when removing a Huge Monitor building block from the wall
- Fixed crash caused by pressing Standby on Huge Monitor building block when it was viewing a player
- Fixed crash caused by pressing Standby on monitor in the Science Buggy when viewing rear view cam
- Fixed minor camera clipping issue on Huge Monitor when viewing players
- Fixed issue where 3D printer could be placed in the air incorrectly
- Improved printed placing heights of Forklift, Scout Buggy, and Science Buggy
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 28th November 2014
27th November 2014
- Optimized atmospheric zone creation, now occurs only for changed groups
- Reduced micro-freezes occurring from adding/removing panels and 3D printing with huge structures
- Fixed stack overflow occurring for huge structures
- Changed default rotate object key to 'R' and 'Mouse 4'
- Changed default rotate object (alt axis) key to 'Left Alt' and 'Right Alt'
- Changed default slow time key to 'Numpad Enter'
- Added titles next to each tab in the options menu
- Fixed issue in multiplayer where the Drilling Rig and Atmospheric Processor did not animate
- Fixed Moon location having Mars rock and atmospheric resources
- Fixed E3 Gale Crater scenario where the Large Rover smashed into the ground
- Fixed landing rovers/landers not using descent cams properly
- Fixed cameras not switching to ground cameras on landing in rovers and landers
- Raised re-entry height/velocity in all Mars locations
- Improved Large Rover wheel sounds
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 25th November 2014
25th November 2014
- Added resources to all locations (Moon, Earth, and Deimos resources to be finalized)
- Fixed Large Rover crash-landing some of the time
- Fixed issue where Landers and Sky Cranes landed outside the terrain bounds
STEAM Development Beta Update from 23rd November 2014
23rd November 2014
- Added on frame, on post frame and on simulate events to Object_InventoryItem
- Fixed 3D Printer bug in MP where it occasionally created 2 items instead of 1
- Fixed door movement over MP, now smooth
- Fixed door sounds not playing over MP
- Fixed player jump/land/grunt sounds not playing over MP
- Fixed player low/no air blackout over MP
- Fixed O2 alert playing in the Ready Room in MP
- Fixed Manned VTOL thruster synch over MP
20th November 2014
- Added door sounds
- Added suffocation and lung decompression sounds
- Improved death from lack of air, first fades to black, then receives damage, giving a few seconds to save yourself
18th November 2014
- Overhauled atmospheric zone generation
13th November 2014
- Added atmospheric zone 'normal' points to all relevant building blocks (for generating atmospheric zones)
- Fixed many issues related to rendering of dynamic lights
- Building block 'leak' icons now only shown when the Construction Tool is equipped and active
12th November 2014
- Optimized rover/lander/probe camera focus traces
10th November 2014
- Fixed and improved Manned scenarios
- Fixed several minor issues with some building blocks
- Added multiplayer scenarios for Deimos, Kaiser Crater, South Polar Cap, The Moon
STEAM Development Beta Update from 7th November 2014
7th November 2014
- Added Manned VTOL Transport Aircraft
3rd November 2014
- Added Moon location
- Added manned Moon scenario
- Added Lunar Lander model
- Added Moon sky preset
31st October 2014
- Added grunt sounds and breathing sounds to the player
- Added WIP elements of metabolism, such as using calories etc
- Added vitamin pills (WIP - only work in singleplayer for now)
- Fixed crash when equipping out tool
30th October 2014
- Added right-click item menu to the inventory for actions such as eat or examine
- Added item dragging to/from inventory in multiplayer
- Added survival element notification icons (functionality not complete yet)
- Fixed moving inventory items not working in single player
27th October 2014
- Added O2 seconds being defined by and stored in suits
- Improved assembling/disassembling controls with the tool
- Fixed O2 progress bar, now synchronized over multiplayer (clients see the correct amount of air left)
- Fixed doors over multiplayer
25th October 2014
- Added tool equiping, now a tool in the tool slot will show up in your hand, but you have to equip it to use it (default Q)
- Added visible handheld tool item, which aims where you aim, if you have the tool equipped
24th October 2014
- Added inventory items and info functionality over multiplayer (cannot move items to/from inventory yet though)
- Added Heavy suit with world models
22nd October 2014
- Added saving/loading of inventory items in scenarios and saves
- Added inventory definition to configs
- Added spawning with pre-set items to vehicles and characters
21st October 2014
- Added unsuited character model and textures
- Added Medium Suit world model
20th October 2014
- Fixed non-functional multiplayer! (Yay!)
19th October 2014
- Added Construction Tool item (WIP)
- Added death caused by not wearing a suit or helmet with no air around
18th October 2014
- Fixed Rocket Prototype crash
17th October 2014
- Added inventory system (WIP)
- Added inventory item with support for moving between inventory and world (WIP)
14th October 2014
- Added rear-view camera to Science Buggy
- Added printable small wall with interior addon slot
- Added printable multi-functional display mountable to an interior addon slot (WIP)
13th October 2014
- Implemented global system for handling 3D GUIs
11th October 2014
- Fixed issue with groups sometimes remaining behind even when their blocks were deleted
10th October 2014
- Added initial implementation of atmospheric zones
9th October 2014
- Added oxygen requirement to the human character, suit oxygen refills in atmospheric zones
8th October 2014
- Added complex backwards-compatibility for building blocks to ensure continuity in older scenarios
7th October 2014
- Added 3D 'LEAK' icon to slots that seal atmospheric zones but are unconnected (to help players locate leaks in their structures)
- Added 'seals atmosphere' parameter to building block slots
6th October 2014
- Added saving/loading of resources to scenarios and saves
- Added saving/loading of building block groups in scenarios and saves
- Added compatibility check when loading scenarios and saves to ensure correct creation of building block groups in old scenarios
3rd October 2014
- Added grouping of building blocks
2nd October 2014
- Fixed issue and ocassional freeze related to resolution scale
STEAM Development Beta Update from 1st October 2014
1st October 2014
- Added 2 printable pallets, one with a cage and one without
STEAM Development Beta Update from 30th September 2014
30th September 2014
- Added Level Of Detail (LOD) joint handling for low physics settings
- Fixed potential crash caused by changing physics type (dynamic <-> static) during physics calculation
- Fixed potential crash caused by creating collision blockers and deleting their parent bodies
- Fixed issue where Science Targets linked to random objects in the scene instead of to the correct object
- Fixed issue on low physics settings where landing vehicles had troubles landing
- Optimized vehicles' and characters' configs by removing superfluous collision blockers
29th September 2014
- Fixed crash which occured ocassionally when quitting (may have caused other crashes)
- Fixed freeze in Mission Control room on low graphics settings
- Fixed minor issue where the ocean could be heard in the background in MP
26th September 2014
- Added more physics settings, allowing for improved performance
- Fixed spinning-top issue in MP and lower physics settings
25th September 2014
- Fixed issue with water in MP
24th September 2014
- Added support for custom bodies (planets, asteroids etc) in addons
22nd September 2014
- Fixed issue where selecting 'Test Vehicle' resulted in free fly cam above the Mars Yard
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 10th September 2014
10th September 2014
- Fixed issue where vehicles sent via the Mission Control room could not be controlled properly
5th September 2014
- Fixed occasional crash caused by incorrect usage of string array
- Fixed crash that occasinally occured when building vehicles from the 3D Printer
- Fixed memory leak associated with 'owned' string usage
1st September 2014
- Added server browser filtering by game version and custom game attributes
- Added password protected servers
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 29th August 2014
29th August 2014
- Fixed respawn crash that ocassionally occurred
- Fixed Entity out of world bounds crash, now objects are prevented from falling out that far
- Fixed issue where player join function was called multiple times (may have caused crashes)
- Fixed new ready room issue where it did not show up in some situations
- Fixed grab issue where you could not use E to drop a held object
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 28th August 2014
28th August 2014
- Added new and improved MP Lobby and Create MP Game menus, with detailed info for saves (still WIP)
- Added option to switch character HUD type between 2D, 3D Static, and 3D Dynamic
- Fixed issue in MP where some built items did not display their slots on clients when held
- Fixed issue where disassembling an item automatically dropped it, and should have held it
STEAM Development Beta Update from 27th August 2014
27th August 2014
- Fixed issue where if server was alone, he could not save or load in MP
- Fixed crash that occured in the MULTIPLAYER: Mars Yard scenario when carrying a building block
- Fixed game freeze that occured when lowering Texture Detail settings to lower than full
STEAM Development Beta Update from 27th August 2014
27th August 2014
- Added Steam NAT traversal MP solution, meaning ANYONE can start their own server!
- 3D Printer now remembers last selected config after load
- Added serializable integer, float, string and vector to building blocks
STEAM Development Beta Update from 26th August 2014
26th August 2014
- Added proper icons to 3D Printer objects
- Added Science Buggy to 3D printer list
- Improved placing of objects, now cannot kill the player when placing
25th August 2014
- Added North Polar Cap multiplayer test scenario
24th August 2014
- Added Gale Crater multiplayer test scenario
- Added Cydonia Mensae multiplayer test scenario
- Added top-surface type slot for snapping objects such as the 3D printer to the surface of anything solid and static
- Added cut-up version of Wall Hallway Turn building block piece
- Fixed issue in MP where the player's character was sometimes incorrectly stored
STEAM Development Beta Update from 23rd August 2014
23rd August 2014
- Save file divided into batches in MP for reliable sending
STEAM Development Beta Update from 22nd August 2014
22nd August 2014
- Added info popups in MP to inform players of saving/loading etc
- Fixed major crash that occured sometimes with the 3D printer
- Fixed major crash that occured sometimes when saving in MP and the scenario editor
- Fixed MP client issue where unit storages were not deleted when the unit itself was deleted
21st August 2014
- Added ability to grab individual parts of vehicles, even in MP
- Throwing view bob now works over MP
STEAM Development Beta Update from 20th August 2014
20th August 2014
- Fixed issue where building blocks did not set their physics setting correctly in MP
- Net status indicator now shows mean lag if occurring, not just if the misses are above 2
- Set slider motor strength to 0 on clients if not lagging (for all vehicles)
19th August 2014
- Added saving/loading to MP games, save file sent to all clients, now you won't lose your progress! :)
- Added network connection status indicator to show lag
- Added server enable/disable of admin rights (enables immediate saving/loading etc for the server)
- Synchronized time scale over MP with server
18th August 2014
- Added voting to MP
- Added temporary respawn button to characters in singleplayer (until features are complete)
17th August 2014
- Building blocks can now be destructively dismantled by large objects hitting them
15th August 2014
- Added beds for sleeping in the Manned Mobile Laboratory
- Added healing when lying down
14th August 2014
- Improved multiplayer vehicle and object simulation by simulating physics in full locally on clients as well
13th August 2014
- Fixed null pointer crash with Atmospheric Processor
11th August 2014
- Added Manned Forklift for lifting heavy loads
10th August 2014
- Added railing for exterior platforms
- Added stackable support pylon for exterior platforms on uplifted areas
8th August 2014
- Added synchronization of resources in barrels and so on over multiplayer
- Added exterior platform for building connectors between building and raised areas
- Fixed issue where some slots could snap together and cause an irremovable block
7th August 2014
- Added Ready Room to cooperative mode, where you can choose to spectate or play
6th August 2014
- Added server-side multiplayer game logging in 'steam/userdata/STEAM ID NO./244030/local/PROFILE NAME/mp_logs/
- Added placeable sci-fi buildings to the scenario Editor
STEAM Development Beta Update from 5th August 2014
5th August 2014
- Added player tag bar (WIP!)
- Fixed stacked remote procedure call related crashes in multiplayer
- Fixed issue where slots remained linked on clients, resulting in the inability to snap them
- Fixed chat icon not appearing from client to client
- Improved player tags
STEAM Development Beta Update from 4th August 2014
4th August 2014
- Added driver and passenger info to player tags
- Added player tags with health info and chat info
- Weather and time now synchronized over multiplayer
- Only Steam name used in multiplayer
STEAM Development Beta Update from 1st August 2014
1st August 2014
- Changed internal MP port number from 27016 to 27019
- Implemented sending custom animations from server to clients, such as the suffocate animation
- Added 3D seat icon when highlighting a seat in a vehicle
- Added MMU stats, underwater stats, and biosigns to 3rd person character HUD
- Helmet LED light now carried over net
- Fixed helmet glare issue when near, but facing away from lights
- Fixed command console parsing issue where the '-' sign was counted as a separate word
STEAM Development Beta Update from 31st July 2014
31st July 2014
- Added 2 more Multiplayer test scenarios (Lyot Crater and Mars Yard)
- Added printable Manned Manoeuvring Unit to the 3D Printer list (WIP!)
- Added printable Scout Buggy to the 3D Printer list (WIP!)
- Added focus zoom to character in 3rd person
- Increased character speeds on Mars
- Improved 3rd person crosshair to be more visible
- Improved character oriented 3rd person camera to be 'over the shoulder' style
30th July 2014
- Added moving crosshair in 3rd person for character
- Changed targeting of location in rovers via areostationary map to ignore line-of-sight
29th July 2014
- Added object manipulation and interaction to 3rd person character views
- Added fresnel glow effect to object when highlighted with character
- Improved object highlighting with character, now cursor moves to center of object
- Improved object manipulation weight limits
STEAM Development Beta Update from 25th July 2014
24th July 2014
- Added more window sizes to building blocks
- Added automatic light panel block that lights up when a player is near
23rd July 2014
- Added placeable and toggleable Light Tripod to building blocks
- Improved base platform model, now combined 4 rods and platform into single model
- Improved placing base platform, slot not ensures correct offset above and below ground
- Improved building block slot display, now displays more understandable model for each slot type
22nd July 2014
- Added changeable (separate) head to mars astronaut
- Added Light Suit to the mars astronaut
- Improved building block slot display for nearby slots, displaying only those that can snap to the held block
- Improved building block slot-snap display, now draws a fresnel representation of the final position
18th July 2014
- Added Drilling Rig with functionality
- Added resource cost support for building block configs
- Added position offset to editor-spawned entities by their lowest point to avoid sunken objects on spawn
17th July 2014
- Added storage of resources to building blocks
- Added no disassembly parameter to building block slots to prevent nonsensical disassembly
- Added Resource Barrel contents display
- Added Atmospheric Processor with functionality
- Added placeable fence to building blocks
16th July 2014
- Added surface type slot for snapping machines to the surface according to the terrain
- Added fresnel display of final position of building block when placing support rods on the ground
- Added option to building block slots to not snap to world directions and positions (allows any angle slots)
14th July 2014
- Added Resource Barrels for the manned section
- Improved cargo storage space in the Manned Scout Buggy
11th July 2014
- Fixed major crash when completing science target in Victoria Crater (stack overflow)
9th July 2014
- Added custom event call to vehicle controllers (used by meteors to write to vehicle log on impact)
- Optimized free fly camera's focus traces to improve performance
- Fixed issue where weather effects were no longer visible in game
- Fixed issue where ambient sound effects were no longer audible in game
8th July 2014
- Added meteor showers to space locations as hazardous weather
- Added timestamp to weather warnings
- Fixed character starting turn animation even in minute turns
7th July 2014
- Added Sol/Distance travelled counters to Rover HUD
- Added velocity waypoint to vehicle HUDs when moving in space environments
- Landers now count distance flown
- Zero-G Probes now count distance flown
- Fixed issue where debug distribution map HUD appeared in non-dev version
STEAM Development Beta Update from 17th June 2014
16th June 2014
- Updated Manned Victoria Rim Base scenario
- Deleted old manned tests
- Fixed freeze when highlighting the South Polar Cap in the 3D Map
- Fixed occasional incorrect display of mission completion in Global Objectives
- Fixed an issue when saving vehicles in scenarios
13th June 2014
- Added skip to Mars 3 sequence
- Reduced Prop-M control time from 30s to 15s
- Added custom animation support for Human character
- Added jump-land animation for Human character
- Added new death animation for Human character
- Added camera being from head position when dead for the Human character
12th June 2014
- Added manual landing switch
- Improved manual landing for Landers further
11th June 2014
- Added default low-res landing cam for Landers
- Improved Lander handling, now relative to camera
10th June 2014
- Fixed issue with throwing (used dBodyApplyForce, which is unstable)
- Added gas spray effects to the Manned Manoeuvring Unit
- Improved Lander manual landing handling
- Fixed Lander using dBodyApplyForce (unstable per fps)
- Improved Lander leveling out (removed wobbling)
9th June 2014
- Added view bob slider to the menu for character and 3d map view bob
- Improved 3D Printer
4th June 2014
- Added resource area type
- Added particle emitter priority support
3rd June 2014
- Added WIP resources system and distribution
- Added location resources distribution display to developer mode free fly camera
31st May 2014
- Added WIP Manned Landing Module
- Added seat highlighting when looking at enterable seats in vehicles
28th May 2014
- Added lerping of body angles and head angles for the Human character for smoother transition in 3rd person
26th May 2014
- Added heart rate and breath rate
21st May 2014
- Added wheel differential calculation to the Manned Mobile Laboratory and Manned Scout Buggy
- Fixed suspension for Manned Mobile Laboratory
20th May 2014
- Added WIP Manned Scout Buggy
19th May 2014
- Water pressure display
- Improved surface swimming
18th May 2014
- Changed onPFrm and OnSim vehicle script arrays to single script array
- OnPostFrame and OnSimulate events now called for all vehicle scripts
- Added oncontact event call when a vehicle part calls the oncontact event
- Added team to vehicles and characters
- Added position in water clamp function
- Fixed projectile not working underwater
15th May 2014
- Added crouching to Human character
14th May 2014
- Improved water physics
- Added 4 new music tracks
- Improved Human character movement, now uses 3 spheres
- Optimized pause physics function in free fly cam
- Fixed problem where sometimes spawned objects collided and activated even while the editor was open
- Fixed problem where spawned objects did not fall after hiding the editor
13th May 2014
- Fixed Manned Mobile Laboratory collision-smashing itself
- Improved underwater overlay
- Added physics interaction layer display to the editor
12th May 2014
- Added standard gravity animations to Human character
10th May 2014
- Added Human character swimming animations
- Added interaction layers to physics objects
9th May 2014
- Added Human character swimming
- Added impact and velocity change damage to the Human character
- Adjusted jumping and movement for various gravity levels
- Adjusted Manned Mobile Laboratory to be heavier and other fixes
7th May 2014
- Added automated foot-height based footsteps
- Added speed cheat to Manned Mobile Laboratory ('cos it's important!), used by typing 'SPEED' while driving it
6th May 2014
- Added sounds to the Manned Mobile Laboratory
5th May 2014
- Added WIP Manned Mobile Laboratory
- Overhauled object manipulation dragging, making it much more stable and precise
2nd May 2014
- Improved grip for Rover wheels and Lander legs, improving their handling on terrain
1st May 2014
- Improved character collider
- Overhauled character movement system based on rotating sphere (allows walking inside moving cars)
30th April 2014
- Added character head turning
- Improved character handling
29th April 2014
- Improved Human character turning, not using angular velocity anymore
24th April 2014
- Improved Asteroid Belt sky visuals
- Added properly rendered Mars in Deimos location sky
22nd April 2014
- Added milky way to sky background
- Added rotation for stars and milky way according to sun position
12th April 2014
- Added WIP Manned Manoeuvring Unit for zero-g environments
MAIN BRANCH UPDATE - 15th April 2014
11th April 2014
- Added technology highlight link lines when an item is selected in the left of the Tech Tree
8th April 2014
- Added cursor-based selecting to the in-game Editor
- Added multi-selecting via mouse drag to the in-game Editor
- Added Create At Cursor and Create At Camera shortcuts (default T and C)
- Improved selecting/deselecting in the in-game Editor
- Improved saving in the in-game Editor, providing a fail safe on crash
4th April 2014
- Added 3D Printer for creating new panels
- Added driving of vehicles
- Added Science Buggy for playing around and testing driving
- Added interactive 3D GUIs (example in the Science Buggy)
- Updated the Cydonia Mensae location with layers, rocks and so on
20th March 2014
- Added Mars 3 mission to Ptolemaeus Crater
STEAM Development Beta Update from 19th March 2014
19th March 2014
- Added weather settings to scenarios
- Fixed Mars 3 starting sequence
- Fixed broken ChangeLog
STEAM Development Beta Update from 18th March 2014
18th March 2014
- Added character (WIP)
- Added object manipulation for the character (mouse 4 when holding to rotate + alt for yaw)
- Added WIP movement for the character
- Added 3D HUD to the character
- Added WIP construction system
12th March 2014
- Adjusted showcase scenario on Victoria Crater
11th March 2014
- Added rocks to Kaiser Crater
- Adjusted showcase scenario on Victoria Crater
- Adjusted the Supertextures of: Gale, Kaiser, Victoria and Lyot
10th March 2014
- Added rocks to Kaiser Crater
7th March 2014
- Added rocks to Kaiser Crater
6th March 2014
- Added missions to South Polar Cap
5th March 2014
- Added missions to South Polar Cap
- Kaiser Crater supertexture recolor
4th March 2014
- Added missions to South Polar Cap
21st February 2014
- Added pictures to wikipedia
20th February 2014
- Added pictures to wikipedia
19th February 2014
- Added wiki entries
18th February 2014
- Added configs of rocks for editor
- Added configs of dynamic objects for editor
- Added colliders to several dynamic objects
- Added Sojourner and Opportunity scenarios (WIP)
- Added wiki entries
17th February 2014
- Added missions to Isidis Planitia
- Added configs of trees for editor
14th February 2014
- Adjusted layer textures on Isidis Planitia
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Added missions to Isidis Planitia
- Added wiki entries
13th February 2014
- Fixed issues in Mission Control where various menus could be opened over each other
- Fixed issue where the Tech Tree, Global Objectives, and Mars Encyclopedia windows were not closed on ESC
- Adjusted layer textures on Isidis Planitia
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Added wiki entries
12th February 2014
- Fixed incorrectly oriented 3D map globe and main menu globe
- Fixed incorrect icon for Large Rover
- Fixed spawning bug for vehicle where angles were in certain cases inverted
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Adjusted layer textures on Isidis Planitia
- Added wiki entries
11th February 2014
- Added wiki entries
10th February 2014
- Added wiki entries
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Adjusted layer textures on Isidis Planitia
5th February 2014
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Adjusted layer textures and terrain on Isidis Planitia
4th February 2014
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Adjusted layer textures and terrain on Isidis Planitia
4th February 2014
- Added rocks to Isidis Planitia
- Adjusted layer textures and terrain on Isidis Planitia
- Added wiki entries
3rd February 2014
- Added wiki entries
- Adjusted layer textures on Isidis Planitia
STEAM Development Beta Update from 31st January 2014
31st January 2014
- Added Isidis Planitia map
29th January 2014
- Added missions to North Polar Cap
28th January 2014
- Added missions to North Polar Cap
- Added Objective for Mars polar caps
- Added wiki entries
27th January 2014
- Added rocks to North Polar Cap
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
- Adjusted distant terrain on North Polar Cap
24th January 2014
- Added rocks to North Polar Cap
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
23rd January 2014
- Improved 3D map making it easier to distinguish locations and so on
- Added wiki entries
- Fixed issue in 3D map with 3D resolution offsetting points
- Added rocks to North Polar Cap
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
22nd January 2014
- Added wiki entries
- Added missions to Ptolemaeus Crater
- Added rocks to North Polar Cap
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
21st January 2014
- Added rocks to North Polar Cap
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
20th January 2014
- Added rocks to North Polar Cap
17th January 2014
- Added thermal particle material (visible only in Thermal Vision)
- Improved Night Vision mode
- Improved Thermal Vision modes
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
- Adjusted rocks on North Polar Cap
16th January 2014
- Added 3 modes to Thermal Vision (full range color, orange, black and white)
- Added thermal simulation of vehicle parts and objects
- Improved thermal vision functionality
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
- Adjusted rocks on North Polar Cap
15th January 2014
- Added WIP Thermal Vision to vehicles (default B)
- Fixed several tasks in mission 7429 in Lyot Crater
- Fixed calculation of sun elevation which used north instead of south
- Added wiki entries
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
- Added rocks on North Polar Cap
14th January 2014
- Added WIP Thermal Vision to the free fly camera (default B)
- Modified layer textures at Ptolemaeus Crater
- Added layer textures at North Pole
STEAM Development Beta Update from 13th January 2014
13th January 2014
- Added highlight to back side of planets in the 3D map
- Fixed triple monitor setup problems where objects were not rendered out of view
- Adjusted layer textures on North Polar Cap
- Added wiki entries
10th January 2014
- Added correct models of celestial bodies on the map in the Mission Control room
- Added placeholder version of Isidis Planitia (WIP)
9th January 2014
- Added Mars Polar sky preset for use in the polar regions
- Added saving/loading to the Rock Generator
6th January 2014
- Added layer textures to North Polar Cap
3rd January 2014
- Adjusted terrain on North Polar Cap
- Added layer textures to North Polar Cap
2nd January 2014
- Adjusted terrain on North Polar Cap
- Added layer textures to North Polar Cap
30th December 2013
- Added layer textures to North Polar Cap
27th December 2013
- Added layer textures to North Polar Cap
23rd December 2013
- Added Custom Tools panel to the in-game Editor for custom-written tools
- Added WIP Rock Generator tool, which generates rocks, making terrain creation easier
- Adjusted terrain on North Polar Cap
- Added layer textures to North Polar Cap
20th December 2013
- Added stones and layer textures to North Polar Cap
19th December 2013
- Added stones and layer textures to North Polar Cap
18th December 2013
- Adjusted campaign on Gale Crater
- Adjusted campaign on Kaiser Crater
17th December 2013
- Added Christmas atmosphere to Mission Control in December :)
- Added setting of custom waypoint via cursor click in command console mode
- Added TOPOINT command to Mast, which makes it aim at the cursor-set waypoint
- Added layer textures and stones to Ptolemaeus Crater
16th December 2013
- Added programming of instrument usage
- Added descriptions for all the technology items in Tech tree
- Added layer textures to Ptolemaeus Crater
15th December 2013
- Add programming for taking photos
13th December 2013
- Improved entering commands into the Vehicle Command line
12th December 2013
- Added layer textures to Ptolemaeus Crater
11th December 2013
- Added 3D map to Mission Control room, replacing the old 2D map
- Added programming to rover driving
- Added programming to the mast
- Added Vehicle Command line, allowing programming of vehicles, WIP
- Added display of distance, yaw offset, and pitch offset in command line mode with the cursor
- Added display of distance from the vehicle, relative yaw and pitch in command line mode with the cursor
- Added layer textures to Ptolemaeus Crater
- Improved turning angles for rovers, wheels now aim relative to their direction of rotation
10th December 2013
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
- Added layer textures to Ptolemaeus Crater
9th December 2013
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
6th December 2013
- Fixed Small rover Airbag landing system
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
5th December 2013
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
- Modified tech tree research times
4th December 2013
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
- Adjusted and fixed missions at Asteroid Belt
- Added new location - the North polar cap, work in progress
3rd December 2013
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
2nd December 2013
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
- Fixed Mars Yard ramps
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
29th November 2013
- Added Technology info sub-screen to the Tech Tree screen, showing details about the selected technology
- Improved the cursor tooltip functionality
- Added stones to Kaiser Crater
- Adjusted missions on Kaiser Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
28th November 2013
- Added Mars Encyclopedia (contents is WIP)
- Added new shortcut key to the Mars Encyclopedia (default 'I')
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Adjusted stone distribution on Gale Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
27th November 2013
- Added detail geometry to main asteroid whithin Asteroid Belt
- Added missions to Lyot Crater
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Adjusted stone distribution on Lyot Crater
- Adjusted stone distribution on Gale Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
26th November 2013
- Improved the Rover Lab camera to be smooth in movement and zoom
- Fixed issue where part rotation could be stored inverted for the 3rd axis
- Fixed scenario E3 Gale Crater
- Fixed scenario E3 Victoria Crater
- Fixed issue in the Rover Lab where certain parts were oriented incorrectly
- Added missions to Lyot Crater
- Adjusted stone distribution on Lyot Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
25th November 2013
- Added a new Notification system, replacing the old click-to-close screens
- Added drag mode to cursor
- Added displaying of dragging for Tech Tree screen and Global Objectives screen
- Added buttons for scrolling to the Tech Tree screen and the Global Objectives screen
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
- Added missions to Lyot Crater
- Added 3D model converter from the FBX format to the game's TXO format
- Fixed issue where unlocked locations were locked again after synchronization of Science Targets
22th November 2013
- Added descriptions of Global objectives
- Fixed the problem with Zero-G probe solar array
- Adjusted stone distribution on Lyot Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
21th November 2013
- Added missions to Kaiser Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
20th November 2013
- Added missions to Victoria Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
19th November 2013
- Added mouse-over hint to Global Objectives detailing instruments that need to be researched
- Probe thrusters adjusted
- Added missions to Gale Crater
18th November 2013
- Mars 3 sequence now has the correct date
- Added indication to map if no missions are present
- Added filtering of required and optional instruments in the Rover Lab
- Added display to Rover Lab of instruments with no valid slots in red
- Fixed occasional incorrect display of Global Objective where it was missing the 'complete' text
- Added missions to Kaiser Crater
- Added missions to Victoria Crater
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Modified missions at Lyot Crater
17th November 2013
- Added displaying of waypoints even in the landing hud
15th November 2013
- Adjusted the power output of RT generators and Solar Arrays to correspond with real values
- Added new shortcut key to the Global Objectives screen (default 'O')
- Added new shortcut key to the Tech Tree screen (default 'T')
- Changed Tutorials shortcut key from 'T' to 'F1'
- Changed Return to Mission Control shortcut key from 'F1' to 'Backspace'
- Fixed Global Objectives progress bars not being 100% accurate
- Fixed issue where vehicles sent from the map via 'New..' did not have correct icons
- Fixed crash when selecting 'New vehicle' in the Rover Lab
- Fixed and improved financial part of vehicle statistics
- Improved filtering of items for skeletons and vehicles in the Rover Lab
- Improved filtering and display of science targets in the map's Mission Details
13th November 2013
- Added physically simulated cable between Mars 3 and PROP-M
- Added controllable Cycloramic cameras to Mars 3
- Added FLY TO WAYPOINT radial menu action to Landers when they have a mission assigned that is out of reach
- Added New -vehicle skeleton name- items to mission selection in the map to allow custom tailored vehicles to missions
- Finalized Probe landing sequence
- Campaign starting budget adjusted
- Tech tree features updated
12th November 2013
- Added Cycloramic cameras to Mars 3
- Added new HUD to Mars 3
- Added objectives to Mars 3 sequence
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Added mission to Asteroid belt
- Tech tree research times and prices adjusted
11th November 2013
- Removed duplicate science target IDs
- Modified several missions at Deimos
- Added mission to Deimos
- Modified mission at Asteroid belt
- Fixed few bugs in campaign
- Tech tree main features made into final revision
8th November 2013
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Added missions to Lyot Crater
- Added missions to Deimos
7th November 2013
- Optimized particle saving and recreating from scenarios
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Added missions to Kaiser Crater
- Added missions to Victoria Crater
- Adjusted missions at Lyot Crater
- Added two more Global objectives
- Adjusted missions at Deimos and Asteroid belt
6th November 2013
- Added highlighting of required technologies by instrument or vehicle to Tech Tree window
- Improved Tech Tree window screen resolution sizing
- Changed appearance of Mission Control HUD
- Fixed and adjusted Global objectives list
- Modified Gale Crater terrain for missions
- Deleted old missions from all locations
- Added campaign file to Lyot Crater
- Added missions to Gale Crater
- Added missions to KaiserCrater
- Added missions to Lyot Crater
- Added missions to Victoria Crater
5th November 2013
- Added Global Objectives functionality
- Added assigning Global Objectives to missions
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
- Added stones to Lyot Crater
4th November 2013
- Removed obsolete part quality
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
- Added stones to Lyot Crater
1st November 2013
- Added defining of location size for the map window to .loc files
- Added location map for Lyot Crater
- Added location map for Ptolemaeus Crater
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
- Added stones to Lyot Crater
- Added Mars 3 sequence as the beginning to the Space Program
31st October 2013
- Added 2 new music tracks
- Improved Large Rover Sky Crane descent
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
25th October 2013
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
24th October 2013
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
- Added WIP Tech Tree window
23rd October 2013
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
22nd October 2013
- Added controllable Mars 3 Lander with deployable PROP-M Rover
- Added switching between 3rd person camera targets (default 'V')
18th October 2013
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
17th October 2013
- Added controllable PROP-M rover
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
16th October 2013
- Improved landing of Landers, they should no longer hover above their target location
- Improved visibility using nightvision during a sandstorm
- Fixed minor issue with the Zero-G Probe thrusting against your input
- Added layer textures to Lyot Crater
15th October 2013
- Fixed issue with static connection parts being spawned with an incorrect orientation
- Fixed Asteroid belt missions after asteroid model upgrade
- Added layer textures to Lyot crater
- Reduced wind strengths in all locations
14th October 2013
- Added layer textures to Lyot crater
- Overhauled airbag landing system for the Small and Medium Rovers
11th October 2013
- Adjusted collision spheres for instruments
- Solar Panels now generate according to incident light angle of the sun
- Removed dynamic rocks from locations to improve performance
- Added new dunes to Lyot Crater
10th October 2013
- Adjusted floating rocks on Gale Crater
- Adjusted floating rocks on Kaiser Crater
- Adjusted floating rocks and dunes on Victoria Crater
- Added collision spheres for instruments
- Optimized vehicles to allow them to go to 'sleep' when not moving, improving performance
- Added new dunes to Lyot Crater
8th October 2013
- Adjusted floating rocks on Gale Crater
- Adjusted floating rocks on Kaiser Crater
- Solar panels now stowed on descent and are now stowable (can be controlled)
- Fixed major issue with spawning joints, disallowing turnable parts attached to other rotated parts
- Added new dunes to Lyot Crater
7th October 2013
- Added Lyot Crater location
- Added more bounce to airbag landing systems
- Added support for multiple 'base' parts
- Added vehicle-oriented 3rd person camera
- Improved smoothness of 3rd person cameras
- Rover wheels now 'stowed' while landing to avoid them flopping and getting damaged
4th October 2013
- Added vehicle statistics to the map (Sols, launch date, cost/profit, distance travelled, etc)
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Adjusted floating rocks on Victoria Crater
3rd October 2013
- Added default select of attitude thrusters as secondary system for Zero-G Probe
- Added remembering of settings on Zero-G Probe (Kill Rotation, etc)
- Added rocks to an opening in the WIP central asteroid in Asteroid Belt
- Fixed available distant EAS science target after finishing first mission
- Fixed broken glass showing in 3rd person perspective
- Fixed bug where landing units failed to create any generated missions
- Adjusted materials in analyze science targets at Asteroid Belt
- Increased approach velocity on Deimos
- Decreased approach velocity on Asteroid Belt
- Added more rocks to Deimos
2nd October 2013
- Extended reach of robotic arms for Large and Medium Rover
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Fixed issue of bad weather notifications appearing prior to time mode selection
- Fixed issue where a whole stack of weather notifications queued after each other
- Changed color of generic mission waypoints
1st October 2013
- Added weather forecast generation and hazard warning
- Added cracking of glass for cameras to indicate damage
- Added filtering of vehicles designed for space environments to the map
- Added defining of reentry velocity, position offset and angles offset to .loc files
- Reduced reentry velocity for Asteroid Belt and Deimos
- Finalized the mission generator, now makes use of all instruments and gives corresponding rewards
- Added texts to Asteroid belt missions
- Added Asteroid belt mission rewards
- Added more rocks to Deimos
30th September 2013
- Added planetary body selection to the map
- Added weather zone functionality, simulating wind with sound and particle effects
- Added weather zones to all Mars locations
- Added missions to Asteroid belt (WIP)
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Improved colliders of Space rocket, Launch platform and ramp
27th September 2013
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Added missions to Asteroid belt (WIP)
- Adjusted colliders on Small Rover, Large Rover and Large Lander
- Added progress bar when downloading data from Steam
- Added weather zone entities, which calculate weather effects based on the global weather value
26th September 2013
- Skip time now works also for Mars Yard
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Simplified Small Lander leg model
- Simplified colliders of Robo Arm on Large Lander and Medium Rover
25th September 2013
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Added Deimos mission rewards and Zero-G probe price
- Added deleting scenarios to the Scenarios menu
- Fixed collision of Robo Arm with extended leg on Large Lander
- Fixed frequent breaking of Solar Array on Medium Rover
- Fixed Missions and Vehicles count on the map
- Fixed APXS targets in Mission ref. 7278
- Fixed constant sound of wind in Mission Control room
- Fixed music and ambient sounds playing in background while playing Gravon in fullscreen
- Fixed issue where missions could be generated too far away, making them be deleted the next frame
- Increased size of airbag bounce collider, removing the possibility of inside parts colliding with the floor
- Increased height of solar panels on the Medium Rover, fixing the issue of them constantly falling off
24th September 2013
- Added sharing of scenarios on Steam
- Added new Scenarios menu, which displays starting date, author, description, and so on
- Added FAR indicator to photo targets when the frame is too small to be completed
- Added Can Generate Mission option to vehicles created in the Editor (default false)
- Fixed crash caused by disabling solidity of the vehicle for third person cam
- Fixed freeze when opening MIS tab after completing a mission
- Fixed crash when starting a Scenario from the menu (tried to use the scenario as the world)
- Fixed issue where Mars Yard always only used real local time
- Fixed a potential issue with vehicle names in .scn files
- Fixed issue where Mars Yard teleported the vehicle to the test position even outside of the Space Program
- Added texts to Deimos missions
- Added more rocks to Deimos
23rd September 2013
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Added missions to Deimos (WIP)
- Fixed major new issue where instruments and cameras could no longer complete science targets
- Improved range of APXS to 10cm
- Improved mission generation system
20th September 2013
- Added missions to Deimos (WIP)
- Added saving of author to Scenarios in Editor
- Added focal points to the Camera HUD, indicating where the camera is focused
- Improved auto-focus of the Free-fly camera
- Improved precision of instrument traces and their display on the HUD
- Fixed the issue where instruments and cameras occasionally kept switching between 0m and above
19th September 2013
- Added WIP generation of Analyze targets
- Added missions to Deimos (WIP)
- Added material-sensitive listing of available instruments for Analyze targets in the Editor
- Changed camera for areostationary satellite to orthographic, fixing z-buffer bug
- Improved satellite map controls in the NAV tab
18th September 2013
- Added connection to an areostationary satellite in the NAV tab
- Added new loading screens
- Added rocks and details to Deimos
- Added dynamic creation and loading of user loading screens, with indication
- Improved Addon loading and handling
- Improved check when creating new scenario, now allows creation only when name unique
17th September 2013
- Changed Timer Event to support infinite repetitions
- Added more rocks and details to Deimos
- Fixed description issues in Kaiser Crater mission Dune Gullies
- Fixed issue where scenarios could be loaded from the wrong location in the Editor
16th September 2013
- Added list selection/removal of instruments when editing Analyze targes
- Added indication of budget increase for science target and mission completion
- Added WIP Mission generator
15th September 2013
- Added scenario Asteroid E5651 for the Zero-G Probe in the Asteroid Belt location
- Added On Scenario Start type Trigger
- Added Reset button for Trigger properties in the Editor
- Added Space sky preset
- Added 2 more spawn options for objects to the Editor
- Completed Gravity Vector Align for Zero-G Probe
- Fixed Scenario image not reloading when new image created
- Fixed minor issue of scenario menu being open over object spawn menu
- Fixed minor issue of Script Event being callable only after reload in Editor
- Fixed issue related to thrusters on the Zero-G Probe being inverted after load
14th September 2013
- Added robotic arms to Zero-G Probe
- Added 2 presets for the Zero-G Probe
- Completed controls for the Zero-G Probe
13th September 2013
- Added asteroid generator script to Asteroid Generator scenario
- Added more rocks to Deimos
- Improved addons system loading
- Fixed serialization of Timer Event
12th September 2013
- Added Scenario properties menu, where date, time, description can be defined
- Added button to take current render and save it to the currently opened scenario
- Added dynamic asteroids to spawnable Dynamic Objects
- Added Unassign Mission to vehicles and the map
- Added/Adjusted preview and logout images for vehicles in the map
- Added info to mission targets in map (such as zone number, required instruments, etc)
- Added type to instrument list in vehicle details in map
- Added correct preview pictures of each vehicle type (in the map)
- Added support for position and angle offsets to vehicles displayed in the Rover Lab
- Added restart dialog when an addon has been downloaded and loaded
- Allowed re-assigning of vehicles to other missions even if their's is incomplete
- Increased max vehicle name length to 22 characters
- Improved appearance of the Rover Lab
- Improved addon packing/unpacking system
11th September 2013
- Added Asteroid Belt location
- Added Zero-G Probe WIP controls
- Added rocks to Deimos
10th September 2013
- Improved Skip Time duration selection list (now drop-down)
- Improved gamepad support in Mission Control
- Fixed bug where after analyzing the orange frame and visible zone would stay
- Fixed bug where the +/- zoom buttons would sometimes show for cameras without zoom
- Fixed bug where CTR or LOG tabs (if open) were empty upon logging into the vehicle
- Fixed bug where Arcade style GUI was not persistent with the option setting
- Fixed bug where using Test Vehicle spawned it beneath the location
9th September 2013
- Fixed globe zoom issue in the main menu
- Fixed shadow issue of Crater models on Deimos
- Improved shadowing by sun on Deimos
6th September 2013
- Added the external Workbench editing suite
- Added instrument info (power generation, range, etc)
- Updated instrument descriptions in the Rover Lab
4th September 2013
- Added instrument descriptions to the Rover Lab (no longer WIP)
- Increased resolution scale of Terrain Imager cameras
3rd September 2013
- Added support for custom content via addons, including locations, vehicles and so on
- Added night time lighting to the Mars Yard
- Removed several obsolete files
2nd September 2013
- Added WIP Deimos location
- Added WIP Zero-G Probe
30th August 2013
- Fixed science target in Victoria Crater mission ref. 5540
- Fixed APXS bounding box in mission Ancient River Bed
- Adjusted the science target priorities and task order in Kaiser Crater mission ref. 6983
29th August 2013
- Fixed gripping to floor while trying to thrust in Lander
- Fixed EAS flashing READY while in use
28th August 2013
- Added Flight Mode activation for Landers, enabling the player to move a landed Lander
- Adjusted analyze target in Victoria Crater mission ref. 1967
26th August 2013
- Added more rocks to Victoria Crater
23rd August 2013
- Fixed analyze target in Victoria Crater mission ref. 5871
- Adjusted analyze target in Victoria Crater mission ref. 6275
- Added more rocks to Victoria Crater
22nd August 2013
- Fixed photo target in Kaiser Crater mission ref. 2824
- Victoria Crater campaign adjusted
- New mission added to Victoria Crater campaign
- Added more stones on Victoria Crater map
21st August 2013
- Fixed noticeable texture repeating on Kaiser Crater dark dune, adjusted corresponding mission
20th August 2013
- Added 4 large Tech 9+ side mission to Kaiser Crater campaign
19th August 2013
- Added more stones to Victoria Crater
- Added Picture-In-Picture update rate setting to options menu
- Increased thruster strength for small lander
- Increased max vehicles per location from 32 to 64
- Increased max locations from 128 to 256
- Removed old part failure system
- Fixed snap-to-place free-fly cam issue when leaving a vehicle
- Fixed Picture-In-Picture camera 1 not disabling when broken
- Fixed Picture-In-Picture resolutions not being scaled by camera type
- Fixed noise-grain effect related out-of-memory freeze on very low-end systems
- Fixed APXS science target in Kaiser Crater side mission 6983
- Fixed analyze targets in Vicotria Crater mission ref. 7123
- Fixed floating stones in Victoria Crater
17th August 2013
- Fixed E3 Gale Crater scenario problem where the Sky Crane had no fuel
16th August 2013
- Added limited fuel to landing systems (Lander thrusters, Retro Stage thrusters, Sky Crane thrusters)
- Added fuel tank level indicators to the landing HUD
- Added indication of emergency landing mode to landing HUD
- Added hint to Gravon overlay for its menu (P)
- Fixed Invert Vertical Axis toggle in options menu
- Fixed issue where HUD grid showed up in 3rd person view during landing
- Fixed APXS and Drill targets in Large rover mission on Victoria Crater
- Fixed APXS target in mission Group of impact craters on Victoria Crater
- Fixed APXS target in mission Two impact craters on Victoria Crater
- Fixed Drill target in mission Three depressions on Gale Crater
- Fixed photo target in Kaiser Crater mission 3, Dark Dunes 06
- Changed default thrust button to left shift
15th August 2013
- Added uploading of photos to Steam via the vehicle's photo viewer on the map
- Reduced opacity of landing HUD grid
- Removed HUD modes from the Radial Menu (to be used for dynamic actions)
14th August 2013
- Added manual landing of vehicles (Landers and Rovers)
- Added T5 Small rover
- Adjusted descent cam rotation by 90 degrees
- Adjusted landers thrusters to keep straight while thrusting
- Adjusted priorities etc in several Kaiser Crater missions
13th August 2013
- Fixed DAN science target in mission 4681
- Fixed Floating rocks near Kaiser Crater
- Fixed floating/clipped rock near ancient river in Kaiser Crater
- Fixed floating rock in Kaiser Crater map
12th August 2013
- Added map zoom to cursor instead of center
- Fixed non-scanable rocks in Kaiser Crater misson 5044
- Fixed photograph rock bug in Kraiser Crater plateu
- Fixed photo targets in 2nd mission on Kaiser Crater
- Adjusted cameras on T5 Large lander (NAV cam replaced by TELE)
- Optimized calling of sky preset change
9th August 2013
- Added WIP landing HUD to Landers, currently not fully functional
- Added more rocks to Victoria Crater
- Removed noise in 3rd person cam, even if no cams are present
- Fixed Gale Crater Impact Crater mission photo targets
- Fixed issue where turning off GUI elements did not work for landing HUD
- Fixed Landers not switching between landing and ground HUD
8th August 2013
- Added versioning/synching of objects such as static objects to allow addition of more objects to locations
- Added clearing of duplicate ID objects, such as rocks and static objects
- Added more rocks to Victoria Crater
- Increased range for APXS slightly, making it easier to reach targets
- Reduced random part failure to make landings less error-prone
- Fixed an analyze target in Kaiser Crater not being completable
- Fixed duplicate IDs on 2 science targets in Kaiser, causing hell
- Fixed several side missions where the material was set to STONE, not ATMOSPHERE
- Fixed problem with Gravon not being unpacked on the Steam build, causing a crash
7th August 2013
- Added versioning/synching of Space Program Science Targets to allow addition of more missions to locations
- Added more small side missions to Victoria Crater
- Fixed the further issues with Gravon
- Fixed the issues with the photo targets in Kaiser Crater
- Fixed several levitating rocks in Victoria Crater
- Changed one of the scientists in the lab to be kneeling
6th August 2013
- Added TextListboxWidget functionality to script to edit contents of each column using SetItem()
- Added Feedback Tracker ID to issues in the Change Log
- Added more people to the Mission Control room
- Added scientists in white overalls to the Rover Lab
- Added several small side missions to Victoria Crater
- Fixed the issue where the variable Hotspot_CurHi could go below 0, causing a crash
- Fixed the issue where airbags deflated while still bouncing, damaging the rover
- Fixed the physics detail issue where small or medium rovers would not land
- Fixed the issue where switching from Space Program to Editor left you with a static camera
- Fixed a crash in the CTR tab when pressing SELECT and no items were present
- Fixed the terrain not meeting up with the rock walls in Gale Crater
- Fixed several levitating rocks in Gale Crater
- Optimized several shaders
5th August 2013
- Added the Change Log viewer to the main menu
- Added 'Never freeze on alt+tab' launch parameter to Steam
- Fixed an issue with the Night Owl achievement, where an Editor-spawned vehicle could not complete it
- Fixed several issues with the Gravon arcade console
- Fixed the issue where the low resolution camera effect was carried over to the main menu
- Fixed an issue with the main and menu renders not filtering on resolution scales of greater than 1x
- Fixed levitating rocks in Kaiser Crater
2nd August 2013
- Enabled the Gravon game console in the Mission Control room
- Fixed a crash with Index out of range (-4 >= 256) in scripts/Entities/VehicleWidgetHandler.h:108
- Hid 3 achievements by default
1st August 2013